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In this regard the leadership of the Fourth Congress demonstrated extreme haziness about the basic path of the revolution by bringing in even more illusive and clearly reformist political slogans and by talking of “armed peasant rebellion”.

In this rebuilt environment, architecture relinquishes its conventional identity as autonomous figure, to initiate a dialogue with the striated geology of the natural and industrial landscape. 在这个人为重建的环境,建筑抛弃了它传统做为独立个体的意识形态,开启了与(自然和工业地景)地质纹理的对话。
In this recipe, the constant's density was half that of matter. 为了达到这个目的,宇宙常数的能量密度必须是物质密度的1/2。
In this regard adequate shale modeling must be part of a good reservoir description: providing the knowledge of the spatial distribution of heterogeneities in the internal architecture of the reservoir, it becomes a key factor in the production planning a 在这方面,适当的页岩模型必定是良好油藏描述的一部分:这种模型能够提供油藏内部非均质性的空间分布信息,非均质性是开发生产规划设计中一个关键的考虑因素.
In this regard creating two items of the same quality and stats will be rare, leading to a large diversity of items. 在这种情况下,想要制造两个相同质量和状态的物品是很难的,这就可以保证物品的异样性。
In this regard the company has 10 years experience,Many electronics industry has been all the recognition and support. 在华东/华北设有多个办事处,公司在这方面已经有上十年经验,目前已得到国内各许多电子行业的认可与支持.
In this regard the leadership of the Fourth Congress demonstrated extreme haziness about the basic path of the revolution by bringing in even more illusive and clearly reformist political slogans and by talking of “armed peasant rebellion”. 党的四大的领导者谈论着“农民武装造反”,却带来了更加富有迷惑性的修正主义政治口号,在革命的基本道路上显示了极端的模糊。
In this regard, American history offers us valuable experiences and lessons. 在这方面,美国的历史为我们提供了宝贵的经验和教训。
In this regard, I am and will continue to be a public person with a private life. 鉴于此,我一直是一个有着自己私人生活的公众人物,并且我会继续保持这样的状态。
In this regard, efforts should be made in the following three priority areas, Hu said. 胡主席说,具体而言,应该着重在以下三方面进行努力。
In this regard, it become extraordinarily important for the management to keep continual and effective communication with their staff. 在这方面,管理者如何保持与员工沟通的连续性和有效性就变得尤为重要了。
In this regard, it become extraordinarily important for the managers to keep continual and effective communication with their staff. 在这方面,管理者如何保持与员工沟通的连续性和有效性就变得尤为重要了。

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