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Anne, you take our coats and sneak in at the front of the queue. We'll be here all night otherwise.

Anne just told me she can't go with us. It goes without saying we're disappointed. 安娜刚告诉我不能和我们一起去了,不用说,我们都很失望。
Anne now keeps company with Roger, although he is not yet divorced from his legal wife. 安妮现在与罗杰形影不离,尽管他还没有同他的合法妻子离婚。
Anne took Helen to the water pump in the yard. 安妮把海伦带到院子的抽水机旁。
Anne will certainly pass the exam, but Susan is a borderline case. 安考试肯定会及格,但苏珊是个蛮危险的个案。
Anne's father decided that he and the whole family should go into hiding until the end of the war. 安妮的父亲决定他和他的全家应该躲起来,直到战争结束。
Anne, you take our coats and sneak in at the front of the queue. We'll be here all night otherwise. 安妮,你披上我们的衣服,溜到队伍前面去。要不然我们今天一晚上都只好呆在这里了。
Anne-Toni Rodgers, spokeswoman for NICE said: Breast and bowel cancer are two of the most common cancers, affecting around 33,000 and 31,000 people each year respectively. NICE女发言人安托妮·罗杰斯说:“乳腺癌和大肠癌是最常见的两种癌症,每年分别波及到大约33,000和31,000人。”
Anne: I've only knitted one sweater and it's too big. We don't have a tiny one for the little baby yet. 安妮:我只织了一件而且太大了。我们还没有一件给小宝宝穿的小毛衣呢。
Anne: That's OK. I'm having fun. I'm knitting a sweater. 安妮:没事。我很开心,我在织毛衣。
Anne: When will you be home? 安妮:你什么时候回家?
Anne: Yeah, but the pipe broke and flooded the basement. 安妮:是啊。不过水管破了,地下室被淹了。

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