If you stop holding back and let your true feelings be known for a change you will get the response you're been waiting for.
天蝎座:如果你不再犹豫,不再隐瞒自己的真是感受,就有机会得到你一直等待的反应。 |
If you stop using it your regrown hair will start to fall out after 2-4 months.
如果停止使用它,新生的头发将在2-4个月后脱光。 |
If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat If you decrease your activity and continue to eat the same or more, you may gain back that spare tire that you worked so hard to lose.
如果你停止锻炼,你的肌肉将变成脂肪如果你减少运动量,并且继续吃相同或更多的食物,你过去努力锻炼而减去的脂肪很可能会卷土重来。 |
If you struggle bravely against overwhelming odds, you're liable to end up on the evening news.
假如你能勇敢地抗比你强大得多的对手,你的事迹有可能在晚间的新闻中占一席之地。 |
If you stub your toe, it is no accident.
如果你的脚趾断了,这不是偶然的。 |
If you study hard and pass all your exams you will reap a rich harvest later in life.
如果你努力学习并且通过所有的考试,你会在今后的生活中大有好处。 |
If you study hard every day, exams will not seem overwhelming.
如果你每天用功,考试就不会形成压力。 |
If you study hard, you could go far .
如果你好好学习,也许会大有前途。 |
If you study hard, you won't have to guess at the answers.
假如你努力学习,你就不须猜想答案。 |
If you study the Bible, you will find a commentary useful.
如果你研究圣经,你将会发现注解很有用。 |
If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?
你在平安之地,虽然安稳,在约旦河边的丛林要怎样行呢? |