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Missing ship-Where the ship concerned in the adventure is missing, and after the lapse of a reasonable time no news of her has been received, an actual total loss may be presumed.

Missiles that are simple kinetic penetrators ram through earth by dint of their extreme impact momentum. 单纯动力钻地飞弹纯粹利用强大的冲击动量冲入地下。
Missiles thrown at the police included stones and bottles. 向警察投掷的东西有石块和瓶子.
Missiles were hurled at him from all sides. 投射物从四周朝他猛掷过来。
Missing aprons (cause for very weak yarn). 缺少皮圈(导致纱线很多弱节)。
Missing from Unleashed is every hallmark of good filmmaking. 失踪引发的,是每一个标志性的好作品.
Missing ship-Where the ship concerned in the adventure is missing, and after the lapse of a reasonable time no news of her has been received, an actual total loss may be presumed. 船舶失踪-如果在海上冒险中有关的船舶失踪,在一段合理的时间过后,仍未收到任何消息,则可推定为实际全损.
Missing the holiday was a great deprivation . 错过假日是极大的损失.
Mission : To advocate green civilization ,the practice of green activism ,the pursuit of sustainable development ,and harmonious green earth together . 宗旨:倡导绿色文明,实践绿色行动,追求可持续发展,携手共建美好和谐的绿色家园。
Mission Control managers at NASA are trying to decide what to do about the space shuttle Discovery. 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的任务控制组领导者们正为发现号航天飞机接下来到底该怎么办作出决定而努力。
Mission NPCs now leave a wreck when they are destroyed. 任务代理人飞船被击毁时会留下残骸。
Mission Statement: To become the leading, most dynamic English edutainment brand in China by providing innovative, mutually supportive and positive learning experiences empowering our members to achieve their full potential in the English language, self-c 使命:我们的目标是成为中国顶级的英文教育和活动品牌,提供一种创新交互的学习体验,激发出会员的英文潜能、使大家更加自信,促进个人成长。

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