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Thus, coming out from the ambit of business concerns, this issue has become an inevitable topic to think upon in general.

Thus, biologists restrict themselves to understanding in depth a rather narrow subset of biology and they trust each other to focus on the other areas. 这样,生物学家只能在相当窄的小领域内有深刻了解,而关注到其它领域时则彼此相信。
Thus, by creating a configuration file, you can change the default setting of any command-line option. 因而,你可以使用这个配置文件改变一些命令行参数的默认设置。
Thus, by definition, HTTP is not very dynamic. 因而,精确的说,HTTP并不具备太多的动态性质。
Thus, carbon dioxide injects new life into old fields. 因此,二氧化碳为老旧油田注入了新生命。
Thus, changes in expected future output, or in the expected future real interest rate, lead to changes in spending today. 因此,预期未来产量的变化,或者预期未来实际利率的变化,将会导致了当期消费的变化。
Thus, coming out from the ambit of business concerns, this issue has become an inevitable topic to think upon in general. 准此,自商业取向之领域显现出来的,本议题已成为必须面对之议题而应全盘考量。
Thus, conformal mapping is merely used as a bridge to allow the designer to specify the velocity distribution. 因此,形映射只是作为桥梁,让设计师指明速度分布.
Thus, continuous functions can be pasted together. 这样反函数就可以粘起来。
Thus, contrary to typical ECD behavior, localization of the sulfate groups was not possible. 因此,其与典型的ECD行为不同,不能对硫酸化基团进行定位。
Thus, corals and pteropods, which both produce aragonitic shells, and coralline algae, which manufacture magnesium calcite, may be especially susceptible to harm from ocean acidification. 珊瑚和翼足类都会分泌霰石外壳,珊瑚藻则制造镁方解石,因此,它们可能特别脆弱,容易受海洋酸化的伤害。
Thus, crime is common, apathy is de rigueur, and cynicism is rampant. 从而,罪恶变得没什么大不了,冷漠变成社交需要,而玩世不恭成了每个人的生活态度。

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