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A bill of $40 billion by the end of the next decade is conceivable.

A bill becomes a law when it passes the lawmaking body. 法案在立法机构通过后就变成法律。
A bill is a weapon used by constables of the watch. 罚款单是巡逻治安官的武器。
A bill is payable on sight if the date of payment is not specified. 汇票上未记载付款日期的,为见票即付。
A bill may be pledged; when the bill is pledged, the endorsement shall contain the term “value in pledge”。 汇票可以设定质押;质押时应当以背书记载“质押”字样。
A bill now sits before parliament that would make the FMC an independent regulator, rather than a handmaiden of the government's Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Food. 一项旨在结束远期市场委员会(FMC)消费者事务、食品和公共分配部附庸地位,扶植其发挥独立作用的议案即将交付议会审议。
A bill of $40 billion by the end of the next decade is conceivable. 所以,这笔用于药物支出的费用到下个十年末期达到400亿美金不难理解的。
A bill of counter hack attacks is making its way through the US Congress. 有一项反黑客攻击的提案正在美国国会审议.
A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whome is is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in mney to 汇票是由一人开致另一人的书面的无条件命令,即发出命令的人签名,要求接受命令的人,立即或定期或在可以确定的将来时间,把一定金额的货币,支付给一个特定的人、或他的指定之人、或来人。
A bill of exchange is void if any of the above - mentioned particulars is not specified thereon. 汇票上未记载前款规定事项之一的,汇票无效。
A bill of exchange must to be accepted by the drawer before it becomes negotiable. 在汇票交成可转换的之前,受款人必须接受。
A bill of lading containing a clause which allows the carrier to delier goods upon proof of identity (or other conditions) without requiring surrender of an original bill of lading will not be accepted. 这句的意思是含有不需要正本提单、凭发货人出具的证明就可以提货条款的信用证对方不接受。

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