He was totally flattened by her sarcasm .
她说的挖苦话使他无地自容. |
He was totally flattened by her sarcasm.
她说的挖苦话使他无地自容. |
He was totally outflanked in the debate.
他在那场辩论中一败涂地. |
He was totally shocked at the sight of me.
他看见我,吓了一大跳. |
He was touched by the warmth of their welcome.
他受到他们热情欢迎,十分感动。 |
He was touching unconsciously the dead husks of flowers as he passed by.
当他路过时,无意中碰落了枯死的花荚。 |
He was trained as an engineer/in engineering.
他受过担任工程师的[工程学方面的]培训. |
He was trained there as a mining engineer.
他在那里被培养成一名采矿工程师。 |
He was trained to be a lawyer.
他被培养成一名律师。 |
He was treated as a hero on his release from prison.
他获释出狱时被当成英雄看待。 |
He was treated as an outcast.
他遭到被人赶出似的对待。 |