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Abortion means the premature expulsion of dead or non-viable foetuses. Embryo loss occurs when there is death of embryos followed by absorption, or expulsion. Healthy embryos grow into foetuses.

Abortion advocates may be correct in their assertion that the practice is a necessary tool of population control , but they seem to neglect the preciousness of human life in its earliest stages . 人工流产的提倡者认为它是控制人口的一种必要手段。他们也许是对的,但他们可能忽略了人的生命在最初阶段的宝贵。
Abortion and caesarian section are widely used for non-medical or non-lifesaving reasons. 堕胎和剖腹产手术被广泛地用于非医或非救生的原因。
Abortion is a highly controversial matter. 流产是极具争议性的事情。
Abortion is illegal in this country. 人工流产在这个国家是不合法的。
Abortion issues are political dynamite. 堕胎问题在政治上是个爆炸性问题。
Abortion means the premature expulsion of dead or non-viable foetuses. Embryo loss occurs when there is death of embryos followed by absorption, or expulsion. Healthy embryos grow into foetuses. 流产意味着早期排出死亡或者不能存活的胎儿。胚胎损失通常发生在有胚胎死亡时,经常是伴随着流产或娩出。健康的胚胎发育成胎儿。
Abortion remains illegal in many Latin American countries. 堕胎在很多拉美国家中仍不合法。
Abortion, when the woman's life is not threatened, should always be illegal. 除非妇女的生命受到危及,否则堕胎总是非法的。
Abortion, when the woman\'s life is not threatened, should always be illegal. 除非妇女的生命受到危及,否则堕胎应该总是非法的。
Abounded with sadness in her heart, she threw the watch with the abbreviation of her husband's name into the sea. 因为她心中充满沮丧,她将一块有她丈夫名字缩写的手表扔入大海。
About $3,000 was raised in the rummage sale that year and some of that was given to get a so-called teletype. 约$3,000在年和一些那被给的翻箱倒柜的寻找售卖方面被升起有一个所谓的电传打字。

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