A clay bar is the perfect choice for removing bonded contaminants like overspray and tree sap mist that won't flush off with washing.
研磨泥是最好的选择,它可以去除聚积在一起的污染物,像残余物和树液,它们是单纯用清水清洗不掉的。 |
A clean (and dry) set of BDU's is a magnet for mud and rain.
乾净的野战制服是招引泥浆与雨水的磁石。 |
A clean bill of health.
无病的健康证书 |
A clean bill of lading refers to one that indicates the goods have been shipped in apparent good order and condition, which means it is deveid of any qualifying remarks about the packing and the outer appearance of the goods.
清洁提单指货物在表面状况良好的情况下装船,这意味着提单上为加任何有关包装或货物外表不良的批注。 |
A clean bill of lading refers to one that indicates the goods have been shipped in apparent good order and condition, which means it is devoid of any qualifying remarks about the packing and the outer appearance of the goods.
清洁提单指货物在表面状况良好的情况下装船,这意味着提单上未加任何有关包装或货物外表不良的批注。 |
A clean comfortable quarter that people can lay down or rest.
有足够躺下或休息且清洁舒适之处所。 |
A clean hand want no washing.
净手不用洗,无罪何须辩。 |
A clean hand wants no washing.
身正不怕影子斜。 |
A clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water, and sprinkle it on the tent and on all the furnishings and on the persons who were there, and on the one who touched the bone or the one slain or the one dying naturally or the grave.
民19:18必当有一个洁净的人、拿牛膝草蘸在这水中、把水灑在帐棚上、和一切器皿、并帐棚内的众人身上、又灑在摸了骨头、或摸了被杀的、或摸了自死的、或摸了坟墓的那人身上。 |
A clean transport document is one bearing no clause or notation expressly declaring a defective condition of the goods or their packaging.
清洁运输单据指未载有明确宣称货物或包装有缺陷的条款或批注的运输单据。 |
A clean, well-lighted cafe was a very different thing.
一个干净明亮的餐馆又是另一回事。 |