China proform the nine-year incumbent education.
中国实行九年制义务教育。 |
China prohibited the sale of tiger products in 1993, pulling the big cat back from possible extinction in the wild. But now the breeders are going out of business.
中国自1993年开始实施虎类产品买卖的禁令,及时避免了野生老虎灭绝的可能性。但是现在这一大型猫科动物的养殖陷入困境。 |
China provide the finest prospect for overseas investor.
中国向外国投资者提供了最美好的投资前景。 |
China provides vital food and energy supplies, but is opposed to the imposition of economic sanctions on its communist neighbour and notional ally.
中国提供必需食品和能量供给,但这尤违于对他的共产主义邻居和精神同盟的经济制裁。 |
China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace.
中国执行和平独立的外交政策。 |
China put into practice the nine-years compulsory education.
中国实行九年制义务教育。 |
China quickly first became the world's largest manufacturer of low end products such as toys and clothing.
中国很快第一个成为世界最大的玩具、服装等低端产品制造商。 |
China re-entered space yesterday evening, sending a communication satellite into orbit atop a Long March 3B rocket from a launch pad in Xichang in Southwest China's Sichuan Province.
北京时间4月12日20时0分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用“长征三号乙”捆绑式运载火箭,成功地将“亚太六号”通信卫星送入太空。 |
China reaped a record 28 golds in Sydney four years ago.
4年前,中国在悉尼破纪录地收获了28枚金牌。 |
China recently agreed to straighten a route for airlines crossing its airspace which has cut 15 minutes off a flight to Europe.
中国最近同意为飞越其领空的飞机把一条线路改为直航线,这给前往欧洲的航班节约了15分钟的时间。 |
China recently lifted its import restriction of five commodities.
中国最近解除对五项商品的进口限制。 |