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Which of the following are data link layer encapsulation details? (Choose two.

Which of Christie's 79 novels and short story collections will be adapted has not yet been decided. 克里斯蒂的孙子马修·普里查德已经同意电脑游戏专家们在未来六年里开发以此为内容的一系列、共五种电脑游戏。
Which of all the eligible threads that happens to be executing at the time of hardware interrupt is likewise not predictable. 你不能期望可以预知哪个闹剧正好在你的快照中。
Which of his works did he negate? 他都否定了自己的哪些作品?
Which of the answers do you think is the best one? 你认为在这些答案中哪一个是最佳答案?
Which of the connections can be full duplex? 哪一连接可能是完整的双三极管?
Which of the following are data link layer encapsulation details? (Choose two. 如下内容中的哪些是资料连结层封装细节?
Which of the following are factors that determine throughput? (Choose two. 如下内容中的哪些是确定流量的因素?
Which of the following are layers of the TCP/IP model? (Choose three. 如下内容中的哪些是层传输控制协议/网际协议模型?
Which of the following are tapers? 指出那些图形是圆锥体。
Which of the following best describes how the consumer counters the advertiser's argument? 下列哪一条可以最好地描述消费者反对广告商观点的论点?
Which of the following endings are correct? 以下哪几个结束语是正确的?

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