Luwuh, a poet, saw in the Tea-service the same harmony and order which reigned through all things.
诗人陆羽发现了这种贯穿于世界万物中的和谐及秩序也同样存在于茶道中。 |
Luxembourg is the worst country for its carbon footprint and the UK comes fourth from the bottom on that rating.
卢森堡的碳排放量(“碳足迹”)最多,英国在这一指标上排名倒数第四。 |
Luxembourg produces six reputable and relatively inexpensive white wines.
庐森堡生产六种价格相对低廉的名牌白葡萄酒。 |
Luxembourg voted by 57% to 43% to approve the EU constitution. The vote went ahead despite the noes in referendums in France and the Netherlands. The treaty requires unanimous approval.
卢森堡公国就欧盟宪法进行投票表决,该法案以57%赞成率对43%的反对率而得到通过。而此前在法国及荷兰的公民投票中,该法案并没有得到通过。欧盟宪法的条约需要全体赞成才能得到落实。 |
Luxun considered Nietzsche as an advocator for der Wille zur Macht, and “übermensch, and a criticizer to western modem culture in the early period.
摘要鲁迅早期认为尼采是强力意志的鼓吹者、超人的赞颂者和西方近代文明的批评者。 |
Luxuriant forests covered the hills.
山上长满茂密的树林。 |
Luxurious and silky smooth Alaska black cod steak garnished with a fruity-sweet cranberry sauce.
如丝般嫩滑的阿拉斯加黑雪鱼点缀着香甜的蔓越莓酱,呈现出奢华的体验。 |
Luxury Blend Luxury Blend is a smooth and exquisite blend of 3 different Virginias, sweetish Black Caverdish, fragrant Burley and a fabulous aroma of Orange and Honey, with an added touch of the all time favourite Vanilla flavour.
奢华响宴由三种不同的弗吉尼亚烟叶、微甜的黑板烟、以及宜人的白肋叶拼配,和合柳橙、蜂蜜精华,并以永不过时的香草味作为最后点缀,精心配伍而成。 |
Luxury automaker Porsche said Saturday it plans to raise its stake in Volkswagen AG to 31 percent, triggering a mandatory offer for the whole of the company.
豪华跑车制造商保时捷公司上周六宣布,计划把其在德国大众公司的股份增加到31%,对大众发出强制性收购要约。 |
Luxury car company Jaguar has revealed more details of its 155mph XK coupe, which goes on sale next year.
专门生产豪华轿车的英国捷豹公司日前对外透露了速度可达每小时155英里的新款XK轿车的更多细节,这种车将于明年上市销售。 |
Luxury is not fitting for a fool; Much less for a slave to rule over princes.
箴19:10愚昧人宴乐度日、是不合宜的.何况仆人管辖王子呢。 |