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At the end of the process, each column expresses the requirements for a potential test case with a specific objective identified by the Cause(s) and Effect(s).

At the end of the paper, it introduces a case which used the little road network. 最后,文章介绍了一个采用小格网进行路网设计的规划实例。
At the end of the party, we thanked our host and went away. 宴会结束时,我们谢了主人后便回家去了。
At the end of the period the marks of the latter class surpassed those of the control group, not only in English, but in every subject, including mathematics and the sciences. 实验结束时,试验班的成绩,不仅仅是英语,而是包括数学和自然科学在内的其他所有学科的成绩都超过了参照班的成绩。
At the end of the potluck, participants are expected to help host with the cleanup. 吃完饭,大家一块儿帮主人收拾残局。
At the end of the process a carbon core of the star will be surrounded by a shell where helium is still being fused into carbon, which in turn is surrounded by and envelope where hydrogen is converted into helium. 该过程结束时碳的星核会被一层仍然在进行氦聚变为碳的壳层包围,而在这个氦-碳聚变层的外面还包围着一层由氢-氦聚变层。
At the end of the process, each column expresses the requirements for a potential test case with a specific objective identified by the Cause(s) and Effect(s). 在操作步骤结尾,每列都通过由原因和结果确定的目标为潜在的测试用例描述了需求。
At the end of the robot's left arm is an infrared(7) spectrometer(8). 机器人左臂前端是一个红外分光计。
At the end of the robots center arm is aninfrared(7)spectrometer(8). 机器人左臂前端是一个红外分光计。
At the end of the round up, any calves born during the summer were branded, and some of the cattle were sold. 当这项工作进行到最后一步时,所有在夏天出生的小牛都会被烙上印记,有些牛会被卖掉。
At the end of the season he won the PFA Young Player of the Year Award, recognising his Charlton form as well as his three months at Chelsea. 那个赛季末他获得职业球员工会年度最佳新人奖,这是对他在查尔顿及切尔西的三个月中上佳状态的嘉奖。
At the end of the service, King paraded up the aisle with the choir, his robe scuffing the floor. 在仪式要结束时,金与唱诗班列队走上了过道,他的长袍拖到了地板。

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