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The height of the aperture and the full height, were also harmonically designed.

The height of a capital letter (mm in UK, ins in USA) . Used in specifying the height of letterform to be used. 大写字母的高度(英国用毫米,美国用英寸表示),用来确定选用字型的高度。
The height of a character cell in a font definition, in pixels. 在某一字体单位字符区域中总共的扫描线条数。以像素为单位。
The height of a thing above a reference level, especially above sea level or above the earth's surface. 高度;海拔在某个参考平面,特别是海平面或地面以上一个物体的高度
The height of each cherub was ten cubits. 26这基路伯高十肘、那基路伯也是如此。
The height of the Empire State Building belittles the houses around it. 帝国大厦的高度使它周遭的房屋显得渺小。
The height of the aperture and the full height, were also harmonically designed. 洞口高度和所有高度也一样和谐设计。
The height of the extended glide path or nominal vertical path at the runway threshold. 我在中文航图上没有找到这个东西,不过看含义好像是指下滑道过跑道口的高度。
The height of the monument is 555 feet. 这座塔的地面高度为555英尺。
The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so was it of the other cherub. 王上6:26这基路伯高十肘、那基路伯也是如此。
The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so was that of the second cherub. 26第一个基路伯高十肘,第二个基路伯也是如此。
The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so was the other cherub. 王上6:26这基路伯高十肘、那基路伯也是如此。

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