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Additional non-voting representative can be added for a nominal fee.

Additional marks can be given if the contestant's accent is as good as native speaker's or can deeply impress the audience. 若选手英语口音纯正,或演讲时富有感染力,可酌情加分。
Additional material is overprinted in red. 附加材料是用红色加印上的.
Additional measures are urgently needed to ensure customer protection. 切实保护消费者的新措施急需出台。
Additional movie synopsis will be added in time, please be patient and help us build this into a creative site for all to enjoy. 网主将逐渐登出其他一些影片摘要,并希望在各网友的帮助下,把本网的[电影院]变成一个大家的创作天地。
Additional mutual aid training be provided to clarify what is expected of an off site agency and the issues relating to an aircraft vs. a structural response. 额外的互助训练必须提供,以便机场外单位了解有关飞机事故和一般建筑物事故反应的相关事宜。
Additional non-voting representative can be added for a nominal fee. 另外,如需扩大参员人数只需小额度会费。
Additional objects, or asteroids not found by the moving object detection algorithm, may be measured by clicking on them, similar to the way objects have been measured in the Tutorial I (Basic astrometry). 其他目标或没有被软件认可发现的小行星,你也许可以用指南1中的方法来测量它们。
Additional or different terms relating, among other things, to the price, payment, quality and quantity of the goods, place and time of delivery, extent of one party's liability to the other or the settlement of disputes are considered to alter the terms 有关货物价格、付款、货物质量和数量、交货地点和时间、一方当事人对另一方当事人的赔偿责任范围或解决争端等等的添加或不同条件,均视为在实质上变更发盘的条件。
Additional pink epithelioid macrophages compose most of the rest of the granuloma. 更多的上皮样细胞构成了肉芽肿的其它部分。
Additional points to be covered in the workshop: Detection of microwaves and protection against attacks. 另外的一些方面被工厂掩盖的:微波的探测和反攻击的保护。
Additional profit through planning gain can be shared by the developer and the community by means of Section 106 agreements and carbon trading. 规划过程中获取的额外收益可通过106法令条款和碳交易实现,由开发商和社区共同分享。

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