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Article 28. Cost, fees and taxes that are included or not included in the customs value as stipulated in this set of regulations shall be based on objective and quantifiable data.

Article 28 Where a trademark the registration of which has been applied for is not in conformity with the relevant provisions of this Law, or it is identical with or similar to the trademark of another person that has, in respect of the same or similar go 第二十八条申请注册的商标,凡不符合本法有关规定或者同他人在同一种商品或者类似商品上已经注册的或者初步审定的商标相同或者近似的,由商标局驳回申请,不予公告。
Article 28 Where an operator commits an act in contravention of an order to temporarily stop selling, and not to remove, conceal or destroy, property related to acts of unfair competition, the relevant control and inspection authority may, according to ci 第二十八条经营者有违反被责令暂停销售,不得转移、隐匿、销毁与不正当竞争行为有关的财物的行为的,监督检查部门可以根据情节处以被销售、转移、隐匿、销毁财物的价款的一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。
Article 28 Where more space on a negotiable instrument is needed by the endorser for making entries, the instrument may be extended by an allonge annexed to it. 第二十八条票据凭证不能满足背书人记载事项的需要,可以加附粘单,粘附于票据凭证上。
Article 28 Where there are both suretyship and property security for the same claim, the surety shall be liable for the creditor's claim unsecured by the property security. 第二十八条同一债权既有保证又有物的担保的,保证人对物的担保以外的债权承担保证责任。
Article 28 Whereas a FFE violates this set of regulations in recruiting employees, the local labor administrative department may impose on the FFE a fine in the amount of 5 to 10 times of the average monthly pay of the recruited employees. 第二十八条企业违反本规定招聘职工的,当地劳动行政部门对企业可以按被招聘者月平均工资的5倍-10倍处以罚款,并责令其退回招聘的职工。
Article 28. Cost, fees and taxes that are included or not included in the customs value as stipulated in this set of regulations shall be based on objective and quantifiable data. 第二十八条按照本条例规定计入或者不计入完税价格的成本、费用、税收,应当以客观、可量化的数据为依据。
Article 28. Ships with special postal marks, postal vans and postal staff shall be given priority in entering and departing ports and crossing on ferries. 第二十八条带有邮政专用标志的邮政车船和邮政工作人员进出港口、通过渡口时,应当优先放行。
Article 28. Supervisory organs may award meritorious persons who file charges or expose major violations of laws and discipline according to relevant stipulations. 第二十八条监察机关对控告、检举重大违法违纪行为的有功人员,可以依照有关规定给予奖励。
Article 28. The book of tender shall be sealed by the entity and the legal representative or the proxy authorized by the legal representative. 第二十八条投标书须有单位和法定代表人或法定代表人委托的代理人的印鉴。
Article 28. The plan for a city shall be announced by the people's government of the city after it is approved. 第二十八条城市规划经批难后,城市人民政府应当公布。
Article 28. When necessary, the Standing Committee may establish working commissions. 第二十八条常务委员会可以根据需要设立工作委员会。

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