Men, who were more comfortable confe ing to sexual fantasies, dreamed about nurses, maids (44 percent), and air hoste es (40 percent).
男性在谈论自己的性幻想时更加坦白,他们幻想过护士、女佣(44%)和空姐(40%)。 |
Men, women and children are all human beings.
男人、女人和孩子都是人。 |
Men: So what should we do now?
男:那咱们现在到底做什么? |
Menace He spoke with menace.
他带着威胁的口气讲话。 |
Menace lurks everywhere, and every agenda hides an ulterior motive.
危机四伏,每一个议程都有深远的目的。 |
Menarche occurred at 13 years of age and the menstrual cycle remained within normal limits until the onset of menorrhagia.
月经于13岁开始,一直到发生月经过多症以前,经期正常。 |
Menchu says that while on the boat, she and her friends saw two men approach their recruiter, and overheard them say the girls looked young and fresh.
曼珠说,她和朋友们在船上看到有两个男人向人贩子走去,并且听到他们说,这些孩子看上去很年轻稚嫩。 |
Mencius encouraged the expression of compassion, humanity and human dignity to make for a truly humansociety.
孟子极力激励人要大发恻隐之心,做仁爱的行为,表现成有人格的人,以便能构成一个真正是“人”的社会。 |
Mencius is different with Xun Zi under the influence of this thought.
竹简的天人之分影响到孟子,而与荀子有所不同。 |
Mencius was a wise and kind person who by no means would compromise with evil.
孟子是一位智慧、善良、不与邪恶势力妥协的人。 |
Mencius' theory on the goodness of human nature opened up a new perspective within this debate and exercised a continuous influence on this debate.
迄今很长的一段时间中,论者对于孟子「性善」均视为「人性本善」,明显是受到以朱熹学思为首的理学思维影响。 |