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Some patients at high risk of pancreatic cancer opt for surgery that yields hope — and diabetes.

Some passages in the book are too detailed for all but scholarly readers. 书中的一些章节过于繁琐,更适合做学术研究的读者阅读。
Some passengers are sitting on the deck of the large steamboat chatting. 有些旅客正坐在这只大轮船的甲板上聊天。
Some pastimes lose their relish when one grows old. 一个人年长后便对许多事失去了兴头。
Some patients are not good candidates for DBS because of their susceptibility to infection from the stimulator implants. 有些病人并不适合进行深部脑刺激术,因为他们容易受到植入的刺激器所感染。
Some patients are walking aground the hospital grounds. 一些病人在医院内的庭院里散步。
Some patients at high risk of pancreatic cancer opt for surgery that yields hope — and diabetes. 一些患者在胰脏癌症的高风险为产生希望的手术选择-而且糖尿病。
Some patients complain of co tant pain without real remi ion. 有些病人自述疼痛持续而无真正缓解。
Some patients complain of constant pain without real remission. 有些病人自述疼痛持续而无真正缓解。
Some patients hae both hips replaced and continue to do well! 一些置换双髋关节的病人其生活质量并未受太大影响。
Some patients may also have chills, headaches, shivering spells and cough. 有些病人可能也会有发冷、头痛、颤抖与咳嗽。
Some patients may have been infected through contact with other infected animals, including a Gambian giant rat (purchased as an exotic pet) and a rabbit. 有些病人可能通过接触其他被感染的动物而感染,包括冈比亚巨田鼠(作为外来宠物购买)和一种野兔。

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