Here seemed to me a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my overset dreams of beauty. |
中文意思: 呈现在我眼前的这一美的形象似乎比我在最美好的梦境中所见过的更美。 |
Here people's thought is that, if you are to give a party in your own home, then it must be done perfectly or not at all.
这里人的想法是,如果要在自己家里举行晚会,你必须把它搞得尽善尽美,否则干脆就别办。 |
Here puss, puss!
过来,猫咪! |
Here records me to be joyful, my sadness.
这里记录着我的快乐、我的忧伤。 |
Here sago cycas trees blossom once every year.
在这里,铁树一年一开花。 |
Here scenery has raised me, Enable me to have the mountain to be attractive and the water gently beautifulness, I sincere am good,The makings are romantic, Is very fond of music literary arts, Excels at the vocal music dance, I deeply love the nature, Lik
这里的山水养育了我,使我具有山的灵秀与水的柔美,我真诚善良,气质浪漫,酷爱音乐文学艺术,擅长声乐舞蹈,我热爱大自然,喜欢到大自然中去感受生命去体验生命。 |
Here seemed to me a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my overset dreams of beauty.
呈现在我眼前的这一美的形象似乎比我在最美好的梦境中所见过的更美。 |
Here she burst out into a flood of tears, he said to me.
他告诉我说,谈到那个地方她就放声大哭了起来。 |
Here she comes on pudding time to resolve the question.
她来得正好,能解决这个问题。 |
Here she comes! Everyone hush up!
她来了!请大家安静! |
Here she created a temple garden and constructed several temples.
她在这里建造了一个庙宇花园,由几座庙宇组成。 |
Here she paused, confused by the vast number of assorted cup, mugs and beakers that stared blankly back at her.
在那里她停了一下,那些成套的酒杯,有柄大杯及那些大口杯好像都在茫然的盯着她,她感到迷茫。 |