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The length of nerve fibrae was measured daily and the density was measured on the third day.
每天测量神经纤维长度,第 天测量神经纤维密度。

The legend of demise of Yao, Shun and Yu reflected the system of succeeding kingship which is different from the hereditary system afterwards and thus it couldn’t be seen as a fictional tale. 尧舜禹禅让传说是三代以前存在不同于后世之世袭制的权力继承制的反映,不能视为战国诸子为了宣扬自己的社会理想编造的故事;
The length and diameter of cochlea nerve canal werc (.9±0. )mm and (. ±0.7)mm,respectively. 硅胶蜗神经管的长度为(.9±0. )mm,平均直径为(. ±0.7)mm。
The length from ori of anterior tibial recurrent artery to ori of fibula head branch was(.0±0.)cm (0.  ̄.8 cm), with the percentage of the distance exceeding .0cm was .7%. 腓骨头支起始点至胫前返动脉起始点长度为(.0±0.)cm(0. ~.8cm),其中长度≥.0cm者占.7%。
The length from the part of venae jugularis externa up .0 cm above collarbone to the middle part of venae cava superior is .8+ .9cm on the left side and .+ .8cm on the right side. 颈外静脉距锁骨上方.0cm处至上腔静脉中段之间长度,左侧 .8±.9cm,右侧.±.8cm。
The length increase differences among chorda tendineaes were not statistically significant(F =.9,P =0.07). 腱索长度增加各腱索间差异无显著性意义(F=.9,P=0.07)。
The length of nerve fibrae was measured daily and the density was measured on the third day. 每天测量神经纤维长度,第 天测量神经纤维密度。
The length of rectum excised from the cases lower fringe of cancer was 0 cm in 8 cases,  cm in cases and 0 cm in cases. 切断直肠的长度距癌灶下缘 .0cm者8例, .cm例,.0cm 例。
The length of tendon of extensor carpi ulnaris was(.9±.)mm. 尺侧腕伸肌腱长(.9±.)mm;
The length of the borders of the Day rhombus are respectively: porus trigeminus to GSPN-V junction.±0.8 mm, arcuate eminence to porus trigeminus .7±. mm, GSPN-V junction to geniculate ganglion 7.±. mm, geniculate ganglion to arcuate eminence .±. mm. Day菱形区各边长度 :三叉神经孔至岩大神经与下颌神经交点(.± 0 .8)mm、弓状隆起至三叉神经孔 ( .7± . )mm、岩大神经与下颌神经交点至膝状神经结 (7.± . )mm、膝状神经结至弓状隆起 ( .± .)mm ;
The length of the thrombi varied from to 8 cm, and the diameter from to 0 mm. 血栓的长度为 ~ 8cm ,直径为 ~ 0mm。
The length of thrombi varied from to 8 cm, and the diameter from to 0mm. 血栓长度为 ~ 8cm ,血栓直径为 ~ 0mm。

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