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Nonetheless, there are plenty of irrational feelings involved, which resemble the racism found in Muggle societies.

Nonetheless, the department is but a small cog in Mr Wolfowitz's general fight against corruption. 虽然如此,该部门在沃尔福威茨全面的反腐败斗争中还只是一个小角色。
Nonetheless, the euro is not immune to jawboning from European politicians such as French president Jacques Chirac, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder or even their finance/economists lieutenants Nicolas Sarkozy and Hans Eichel. 然而,欧元并不能避免来自欧元区政治家们的口头影响,比如法国总统雅克.希拉克,德国总理施罗德,甚至于是他们的金融/经济副手尼姑拉丝.萨科奇以及汉斯.艾舍尔。
Nonetheless, the side wasn't booed off the San Siro pitch, even though they remain in 14th place – albeit with an eight-point Calciopoli penalty. 球队是带着-8分开始的联赛,即使他们目前在积分榜仅仅排在第14位,但是圣西罗的看台上并没有传来嘘声。
Nonetheless, their treatment remains a significant challenge for neurosurgeons. 然而,它们的处理对神经外科医师来说仍然是个重要的难点。
Nonetheless, there 's still a huge demand among enterprise users for directories to enable self-configuring networks based on business policy. 然而,在企业用户中对目录还存在着巨大需求,以便能够依据商业政策自行配置网络。
Nonetheless, there are plenty of irrational feelings involved, which resemble the racism found in Muggle societies. 但其中却有大量不合常理的感情牵涉在里边,类似于麻瓜世界的种族状况。
Nonetheless, there are still a few concerns regarding this move toward digital technology – what are its advantages over analog closed-circuit television (CCTV), how difficult is it to install and maintain, and how can companies cost-effectively migrate f 然而,向数字技术转变中有些需要考虑的东西---它本身和传统安防系统的优势,安装和维护的困难度,安防企业在转变过程中如何有效的进行集成。
Nonetheless, there can be data, or simply garbage, in the code segment. 虽然如此,在代码段中可以有数据,或者只是无用信息。
Nonetheless, there is no report of ANY intercepted neurophone signals. 虽然如此,没有任何截获脑听器的信号。
Nonetheless, they'll go on to tell me the pros of their daily paper, and what's wrong with weeklies, or radio, or magazines, or whatever else they perceive I might stupidly waste my money on when I could have bought their product instead. 然而他们还是继续告诉我他们的日报有怎样怎样的优势,告诉我其他媒介的种种毛病,包括那些周刊、电台、杂志等等,在他们看来我如果舍他们的日报而取其他媒介,都好比扔钞票打水漂的一样傻。
Nonetheless, this uptick will still be a rally in a bear market, and so the downtrend will probably resume from there, looking for a break of 110.00 and for support to gel at 108.50 - 108.00 area further out. 不过,这上升仍然是在熊市方面的回升,下降趋势或许将恢复从在那里,寻找一和适合对的支持凝胶在108.50-108.00地区更进一步在外的110.00的休息。

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