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Although harder than GP steel grit,GL also loses its sharp edges during shotblasting and is particularly suited to descaling and surface preparation applications.

Although grassroots teachers, parents or aid workers may be unfamiliar with the academic term “social informatics,” many already appreciate the implications of an interwoven relationship of technology and public organizations. 虽然基层教师、家长或辅导人员对于「社会资讯学」这个学术名词可能并不熟悉,不过许多人已经体认到,科技与公共组织之间蕴涵著紧密结合的关系。
Although gravitational waves have not yet been detected directly, their influence on a binary pulsar (two neutron stars orbiting each other) has been measured accurately, and was found to be in good agreement with original predictions. 尽管引力波至今仍未曾被直接探测到,但它们对脉冲双星(沿轨道互绕对方运行的两颗中子星)的影响已经得到精确的测量,而且与最初的预测符合得很好。
Although growth rates almost everywhere will be dented – except possibly in oil-exporting Malaysia – countries with poor economic management face the toughest adjustment. 各国的经济增长率几乎都将受到影响(石油出口国马来西亚可能例外),但那些经济管理糟糕的国家将面临最艰难的调整。
Although gulls are often thought of as fish eaters, they're scavengers that will eat just about anything, said Walter Marcisz, past president of the Chicago Ornithological Society.Once one gull stumbles upon a patch of cicadas, they're very vocal. 芝加哥鸟类学会前主席沃尔特·马希斯介绍说,人们一般认为海鸥只吃鱼类,其实它们也是杂食动物,几乎什么都吃。
Although hand-woven carpets are normally Iran's top non-oil export, the industry has been hit by cheaper Pakistani, Chinese and Indian copies of traditional Iranian patterns. 虽然手工编织地毯通常是伊朗最主要的非石油出口品,但这项产业受到巴基斯坦、中国和印度模仿伊朗传统花样的廉价品所打击。
Although harder than GP steel grit,GL also loses its sharp edges during shotblasting and is particularly suited to descaling and surface preparation applications. 尽管此类钢砂的硬度比GP钢砂要高一些,但在喷砂过程中仍会失去棱角,特别适合于钢材表面驱除氧化皮预处理作业。
Although having moved here for three months,I have never met my neighbor of next door. 虽然我已经搬进来三个月了,我从没遇到过我隔壁的邻居。
Although he (only) smoked a pipe once in a while, I'm certain he will like it. 虽然他只是偶尔抽一下烟斗,我可以肯定他会喜欢它。
Although he did not remove the high places, Asa's heart was fully committed to the LORD all his life. 14只是邱坛还没有废去.亚撒一生却向耶和华存诚实的心。
Although he espouses “a Europe of results”, he comes from a country (Portugal) that joined the EU largely to confirm its identity in the European mainstream after years of dictatorship. 虽然他支持“成果化的欧洲”,但他却是来自葡萄牙——这个经历了多年独裁统治后加入欧盟以巩固其欧洲身份的国家。
Although he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize. 尽管他参加这次竞赛只不过是闹著玩儿而已, 却赢得了头奖.

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