A succinct and brisk design style is impenetrated in a series of working places design from working rooms to meeting rooms,creating a new and charming working environment with a unitive style.
简洁、轻快的设计风格;对就各种系列化的工作场景,从办公区到会议室以及主管桌,缔造风格统一、别具魅力的全新办公环境。 |
A succinct definition is that a hazard is a condition that can cause injury or death, damage to or less of equipment or property , or environmental harm.
一种简洁的定义是危险是一种能引起受伤或死亡的情况,对或的$$1伤害较少设备或财产,或环境的伤害。 |
A succulent and complex Pinot Noir showing smouldering savoury and gamey character.
这是一款极其鲜美而复杂的黑比诺,风味独特。 |
A such and such one build, whetstone rub meticulously, outstanding having brand of value could design but a natural one, if the apple tree creates apples generally naturally .
如此这般的内外兼修,精心砥磨,出色而具价值的品牌设计才是有可能而自然的,如“苹果树创造苹果一般自然”。 |
A sucking chest wound is nature's way of telling you to slow down.
胸部受伤﹐是老天爷告诉你该慢下来了。 |
A suckling youngster, he has yet to learn how to conduct business.
作为一个初出茅卢的年轻人,他还得学习如何经营生意。 |
A sucrose infusion.
蔗糖输入液 |
A sudden and severe strain was placed upon us by the cutting off of these supplies.
由于供给突然被切断,我们感到了沉重的压力。 |
A sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease.
发作突然的发作、复发或疾病的加剧 |
A sudden change in sensorium is the most common symptom and ranges from disorientation to coma.
空气栓塞症的诊断主要是要详细的询问异常气压工作人员的工作深度及压力下停留时间和神经学检查的发现。 |
A sudden chill of horror sweep over her as she feel the drip of saliva upon her hand.
当她感觉到滴到她双手上的唾液时,恐怖的寒栗突然遍布了她全身。 |