The results showed that the effective rate was 87.8%and no recurrence.
方法经口或鼻腔置管球囊扩张术治疗老年人食管癌术后吻合口狭窄50例。 |
The results showed that the environment of South China adapt to postembryonic development of the Rana chensinensis and the higher temperature had no effects on the growth but it accelerated the embryonic development speed.
结果表明:华南地区的环境条件基本适合中国林蛙的胚胎后期发育,较高的温度加快了中国林蛙的胚胎发育进程,但对其生长尤明显影响。 |
The results showed that the estimation of the dead time and the retention times of the normal alkanes and the further prediction of the retention indices of unknown components were quite satisfactory when the number of the known components included in cal
结果显示,在已知组分不是太少的情况下,该方法计算的死时间和正构烷烃的保留时间与实验值吻合,预测的保留指数也有较高的精度。 |
The results showed that the evapotranspiration calculated by Bowen ratio was highly related to solar radiation, but that calculated by lysimeter was not evidently related to solar radiation.
结果表明,波文比所测蒸发蒸腾量与太阳净辐射的相关性比较好,蒸渗仪所测值与太阳净辐射的相关性不明显。 |
The results showed that the exactness of the model can meet needs of production and is valuable.
结果表明,该模型能够满足忠实复制的要求,具有一定的实用价值。 |
The results showed that the extracts from the whole of Solanum nigrum had 100% inhibiting rates to Rhizoctonia solani and Cladosporium ucumerinum fruits of Solanum nigrum also had 100% inhibiting rates to Fusarium oxysporium, extracts from fruit of Xanthi
结果表明:龙葵全株粗提物对辣椒丝核和黄瓜黑星病菌、龙葵果实提取物对黄瓜枯萎病菌、苍耳果实提取物对辣椒丝核病菌的抑制率均为100%;黄花蒿(全株)提取物对黄瓜枯萎病菌、番茄早疫病菌和辣椒丝核病菌的菌丝抑制率都分别达到了78.5%以上。 |
The results showed that the fabric of the reinforced material was a very critical factor in the influence of tackifier contents and optimal tackifier contents on the mechanical property of composites; the tackifier had no negative effect on mechanical pro
结果表明:定型剂含量对复合材料力学性能的影响规律、定型剂最佳用量均对增强材料的织态结构有着很强的依赖性;在3186缎纹/3266树脂体系和827单向碳布/3266树脂体系中,定型剂用量分别为8%和5%时,定型剂的加入对复合材料的力学性能没有造成明显的劣化作用。 |
The results showed that the factors having the most important effects on consumers' colored TV choice behavior in order were economy factor (such as price), principal function factor (such as picture, color, contrast), and accessory function factor (such
研究结果发现对消费者选购彩视机影响最大之因素依次序为经济实惠因素(如价格)、主性能因素(如画面、色彩、对比等)与附属设备因素(如摇控、立体音响等)。 |
The results showed that the fatigue fracture of the connecting head happened first, which was related both to the working stress and to the processing of this part.
结果表明,连杆盖首先发生疲劳断裂,随后导致连杆螺栓的断裂,而这种断裂既与应力有关,又与零件的加工工艺有关。 |
The results showed that the fracture of the tooth-razor was brittle fracture, the material quality was normal, the main fracture reson was that the carbide in the microstructure of the tooth-razor was distributed as reticulation, the brittleness of the ra
结果表明,该剃齿刀的断齿属于脆性断裂,主要是显微组织中的碳化物分布不均匀(呈网状分布),使刀具的脆性增大而强度、韧性下降,导致刀具在使用过程中由于外力的作用发生断齿。 |
The results showed that the friction factor of BN film was about half of that of the steel based materials, and the cohesion between film and substrate could obviously be increased by the Ni-P interface layer.
结果表明:氮化硼薄膜的摩擦因数约为钢基材料的一半,中间层镍磷合金的加入使薄膜结合力显著提高。 |