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Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.

Practiced a lot of returns today because Sam can serve really well, especially that kicker, and she can serve and volley well. 今天练习了很多跑动,因为斯托瑟的发球很好,特别是击球,她的发球和爆发力很好。
Practiced at Shenzhen Jiabin Color Printing Co., Ltd. 11深圳嘉宾彩色印刷有限公司实习.
Practiced computer skill, preferably Microsoft Office special Excel and Word applications. 熟练的英语阅读及写作技能。
Practiced regularly, they can help make your daily life more satisfying. 有规律地做这些事情,它们可以有助于使你的日常生活更令人满意。
Practiced several days with the same book the translator studied from. 出人意料的是他会打电话给我叫我去他办公室上班,我当时高兴得不得了。
Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. 贪得无厌的货币兑换商的种种行径将受到舆论法庭的起诉,将受到人类心灵理智的唾弃。
Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. 贪得无厌的钱商们在舆论的法庭上被宣告有罪,是为人类思想感情上所厌弃的。
Practices prove that this method can improve precision of leakage alarming and detecting greatly after optimizing and processing. 实践证明此方法经过优化和后期处理,可大大提高泄漏报警和定位的精度,是一种简单适用的方法。
Practices show that the compressive strength, the modulus of elasticity, the permeability coefficient and the compactness of concrete obtained respectively by the compaction method, the unconfined compression static compaction method, the sand trenching a 实践证明施工中用击实法、无侧限抗压静力压实法、挖坑灌砂法及核子密度仪分别检测出的边墙混凝土抗压强度、弹性模量、渗透系数和密实度值均满足设计要求,边墙混凝土配合比合理。
Practices such as back dating and signing for actions not performed are serious violations. 操作如对没有实施的措施进行提前署上日期和签名都是严重的违反问题。
Practices such as refactoring, simplicity, and collaboration (pair programming, metaphor, collective ownership) prompt us to think in new ways. 类似于重构、简单化和合作(配对编程,隐喻,代码共享)等实践促使我们以一种新思路来思考。

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