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The visible spectrum characteristics of the copper matrix and component in Cu-based alloy were studied with computerized digital simulation processing technique.

The visco-elasticity of material in the bottom of rock body led to decrease of stress with time in the bottom part and to increase of stress at some places of elastic layers. 引入材料的黏弹性,导致了其中应力随时间迅速减小和弹性层某些部位应力随时间的增加。
The viscose embroidery thread products are not fit for chlorine, alkali, acid and the other chemicals washing. 人造丝产品不适合有氯、酸、碱、漂液等氧化剂的漂洗、砂洗、水磨洗等。
The viscosity reduction rate is over 85% at 240℃, 24hr, with catalyst accounting for 0.2% and toluene for 0.1%. 与助剂甲苯复配,进行了稠油化学降黏的强化实验。
The vise (parallel-jaw vice) is available to all of the bench work. 所有的钳工工作都可使用台钳(平口钳)。
The visibility of the interference streak on a distant screen will be affected when the light source there has a certain width in a double-slit interference experiment. 摘要在双缝干涉实验中,所用光源若是有一定宽度的,则屏上干涉条纹的可见度将受到一定的影响。
The visible spectrum characteristics of the copper matrix and component in Cu-based alloy were studied with computerized digital simulation processing technique. 摘要对铜合金可见光谱线进行了计算机数字模拟处理,研究了基体元素铜和各成分元素的可见光谱特征。
The visible trade is the import and export of goods, and the invisible trade is the exchange of services between countries. 有形贸易指货物的进出口贸易,而无形贸易涉及的是国家间的劳务交换。
The visible universe contains at least 10100 bits of entropy, which could in principle be packed inside a sphere a tenth of a light-year across. 整个可见宇宙起码含有10100位元的熵,这麽多的熵原则上可以塞进直径为1/10光年的圆球内。
The vision and intensity that Frank tapped as a child are the same qualities he works to instill in his team as a 36-year-old man. 弗兰克儿时开阔的思路和锲而不舍的劲头,正是今天36岁的他作为主教练希望注入篮网的职业精神。
The vision of HPLC is to become the leading supplier of newsprint in the metropolitan Beijing area and our customers' supplier of choice. 河北诺斯克.龙腾纸业的目标是成为北京地区最主要的新闻纸供应商、成为我们客户的选择。
The vision of a Winning Team also places obligations on ABC Co . ABC公司有义务规划成功团队的前景。

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