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Cats never fail to fascinate human beings.

Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, dogs only have about 10. 猫的叫声有100种,狗的叫声只有10种。
Cats have sharp claw . 猫有锐利的爪子。
Cats have sharp claws. 猫有锋利的爪子。
Cats like to catch mice. 猫喜欢捕捉老鼠。
Cats may be better off fed inexpensive fresh fish than cat food, and dogs' fresh meat. 猫用便宜的新鲜鱼类喂养要比猫食好,而*则用新鲜肉喂养。
Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. 猫总能引起人们的极大兴趣。
Cats now live on cat food rather than catching rats for their food. 猫已以猫粮为主食而不是抓老鼠为食。
Cats often find it easier to climb up a tree than to climb down. 猫爬树往往是爬上去比爬下来容易些。
Cats on top of the refrigerator. 爬到冰箱顶上的猫。
Cats seem to like the taste, and the company prides itself on maintaining exacting standards. Consumers looking for naturalcat food will like this product. 该公司恪守严格的标准,喜欢天然食品的顾客会喜欢这款产品。
Cats stay in plexiglass cages known as“kitty cottages”for a mere 14 dollars plus tax a night, which includes 15 minutes of TLC —— Tender Loving Care. 猫住在被称为“猫咪别墅”的树脂玻璃笼子里,“房价”为每晚14美元(含税),其中包括15分钟的“爱抚”费用。

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