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This paper based on the principle of having the underwater explosion as a interference source to make the guidance system of torpedos failure, and according to the similarity theory to equivalent the real situation into test model, and analysis the damage

This paper attempts to summarize some of the basic principles and techniques of behavior modification, including evaluation of problem, analysis of problem, reinforcement and recording system and parents education, that occupational therapists may find us 本文中笔者将介绍行为改变技术有关之评估、问题分析、选择及应用增强物、观察记录法以及教育父母适当的配合治疗计划等方面之临床应用。
This paper attempts to summarize the current condition of the campus culture in universities of finance and economy into uniqueness, weakness, deviation and blankness, and it cannot play its instructive and exemplary functions of formative influence on st 摘要本文概括了目前财经类高等院校校园文化的“独”、“薄”、“脱”、“索”的现状,难以胜任潜移默化的育人功能和正源清流的示范功能。
This paper attempts to unscramble Tujia village's sitological and residential culture from the perspective of cultural transformation. 本文拟对鄂西南的一个土家村寨的饮食、居住文化从文化变迁的角度进行解读。
This paper based on the SWOT analysis on the tourism in Turpan Grape Valley Resort presents some proposals, giving a theoretical base for the sustainable development in the resort. 本文通过对吐鲁番葡萄沟景区的旅游发展SWOT分析,提出了有针对性的对策和建议,为实现景区的可持续发展提供理论依据。
This paper based on the historical probe on the substantial connotation of the march spirit, and combined with the prospective program of current social development of China, especially connected with the well-off society construction target of socialisti 本文在对长征精神的本质内涵进行历史考察的基础上,结合当代中国社会发展的前景规划,特别是结合社会主义物质文明、政治文明、精神文明和社会文明协调发展的小康社会建设目标,阐明了大力弘扬长征精神所具有的时代价值。
This paper based on the principle of having the underwater explosion as a interference source to make the guidance system of torpedos failure, and according to the similarity theory to equivalent the real situation into test model, and analysis the damage 论文文摘本文基于水下爆炸作为干扰源使鱼雷制导系统失灵的原理,应用相似理论,将实际情况等效缩比为试验模型,分析该等效模型在水下爆炸作用下的破坏情况以及对鱼雷自导系统的影响。
This paper based on the two follow-up inverstigations in the Dayao Mountain 70 years later, conducts a statistical analysis of the data collected from survey questionnaires, in the attempt to make a further quantitative analysis on the basis of traditiona 摘要根据七十年后的两次大瑶山跟踪调查研究,对调查问卷进行统计分析处理,试图在传统调查方法的基础上做进一步的量化分析,用一系列鲜活的数字反映大瑶山瑶族社会在家庭婚姻、子女教育、政治参与和宗教信仰、经济生活等方面所经历的社会文化变迁。
This paper bases on analyzing about the efficiency of industrial groups in enhancing city competitive force, and pointed out the crucial functions of the government that should be brought into play in cultivating and developing it. 摘要本文通过对产业集群在提升城市竞争力中的功效分析,指出政府在培育和发展产业集群中应发挥重要作用。
This paper bases on deeply probe and objectively assess the present condition of Qinghai provincial economic development environment, pertinently put forward the relative methods and policy suggestions, the intention is to make Qinghai provincial economic 本文通过深入调查,在客观评价青海省经济发展环境现状的基础上,有针对性地提出了相关措施和政策建议,目的在于使青海省的经济发展环境更好地适应经济发展的要求。
This paper bases on explicating about the expressional mode of our country's interest group contradictions in the new period, dynamically analyzed on the cause of its formation, and put forward the guiding thought、principle and countermeasure for accurate 摘要本文通过阐述我国新时期利益群体矛盾的表现形式,动态地分析了利益群体矛盾的成因,提出了正确处理新时期利益群体矛盾的指导思想、原则和对策。
This paper bases on geometric model made up of small balls, and elaborates their combined series rules and geometric relations. 摘要以小球垒成的几何模型为基础,阐述了其中的组合数列规律及几何关系。

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