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This formation is dominated by a set of sandstone-mudstone dark clastic rock series which belongs to marginal marine deposit at the end of the Gondwana Carboniferous-Permian glacier period.

This form of successful succession can be very important. 以这种方式成功地培养接替人选是十分重要的。
This form of the regular expression is a little shorter (though not any more readable). The big question is, is it any faster? 这样的正则表达简短一些(虽然不那么直观可读性不太好)。核心问题是,是否能加快速度?
This form uses a calendar control and a list box to illustrate how to get valid date/time input from users without having to perform any validation. 这个窗体使用一个日历控件和一个列表框演示了如何获得有效的数据/时间,由用户输入,不需任何确认。
This format can be called journal entry. 这种形式被认为是日记帐。
This format is established by Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration. 本表由江苏省食品药品监督管理局制定.
This formation is dominated by a set of sandstone-mudstone dark clastic rock series which belongs to marginal marine deposit at the end of the Gondwana Carboniferous-Permian glacier period. 该组主要为一套砂岩-泥岩的暗色碎屑岩系,属冈瓦纳石炭-二叠纪冰川末期的边缘海沉积。
This formed a very important part of the communion service. 这成了圣餐礼很重要的部分。
This former Soviet intelligence agent entered politics in the early 1990s and rose rapidly. 这位前克格勃特工90年代初进入政界。
This former place of worship is one of the earliest and best-known pre-Columbian sites. 这里的斜坡和广场周围都是石头建筑,伴有大量兽形装饰物,景物别致多姿。
This formidable ship was intended primarily as a commerce raider, having a broad beam for stability in the rough seas of the North Atlantic and fuel stores as large as those of battleships intended for operations in the Pacific Ocean. 这艘令人敬畏的军舰首要任务是作为商船袭击舰,拥有宽阔的横梁以确保在北大西洋恶劣的海况下保持平稳,燃油装载量也和那些要去太平洋执行任务的战列舰一样多。
This forms an unbroken chain of requests that include the same activation context. 这形成了一个连续的包含同样活化上下文的请求链。

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