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Refractory fiber and product is manufactured by means of dry method and wet method .As an excellent insulation material ,it has comparatively low volume density ,good softness and very low thermal conductivity coefficient .Sticking method , ancjoring meth

Reforms that undervalue these contributions are likely to do far more harm than good. 低估这些改善的贡献价值将弊大于利。
Reforms to outdated environmental codes are necessary to keep up with changing needs. 修改落伍的环境法规是必要的,这样才能符合不断改变的需要。
Refraction makes an object appear to be in a different position from where it really is. 折射现象会使物体看起来不在原来的位置上。
Refractive error more than -15.OD,, axial length over 29.0mm, and age more than 45 years old are risk factors for the development of early myopic maculopathy. 近视度数超过-15.0D,眼轴长超过29.0毫米,且年龄超过45岁以上是产生黄斑部病变的危险因子。
Refractory companies rely on the abundant local resources, make full use of our advanced production facilities, with the Institute of Refractories Luoyang, Wuhan University, metallurgy, Henan Electric Power Survey and Design Institute, Anshan Iron and Ste 公司依靠当地丰富的耐火材料资源,充分利用我们先进的生产设施,经过与洛阳耐火材料研究院、武汉冶金大学、河南省电力勘测设计院、鞍山钢铁技术学院等多家科研机构、高等院校建立了技术合作关系。
Refractory fiber and product is manufactured by means of dry method and wet method .As an excellent insulation material ,it has comparatively low volume density ,good softness and very low thermal conductivity coefficient .Sticking method , ancjoring meth 耐火纤维及制品是采用干法、湿法生产的具有较低体积密度、较好柔软性、极低的导热系数的优质绝热保温材料,施工时可分别采用粘贴法、锚固法、折叠块形式施工,适用于各种工业窑炉降低热耗之用。
Refrain for your own sake from interfering with God, who is with me, and He will not destroy you. 你为自己的缘故,不要干豫神的事,免得祂毁灭你,因为神与我同在。
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil. 8当止住怒气,离弃忿怒;不要心怀不平,以致作恶。
Refrain from arguing with your mate. 避免和伴侣争吵。
Refrain from drinking tap water. Buy bottled water (from sealed bottles) or boil the water before drinking it. 避免饮用自来水。购买(密封的)瓶装水,或在饮水之前将水煮沸。
Refrain from making promises or moving too fast. 克制住自己,不要做出承诺或者行动过快。

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