6 is a popular number in China,it's a lucky number, people like to use it in telephone number and license plate number,etc. |
中文意思: 6在中国是比较受欢迎的一个数字,有六六大顺的说法。多被人们用于电话号码,车牌号码等。 |
6 charismatic leaders and the mystiqueof the enterprise maybe important means of resolving conflict in objectives and overcoming restraints.
有个性的领导者以及企业的“奥秘”可能是克服约束和解决目标冲突的重要手段。 |
6 earthquake volcanic eruption or lighting.
地震、火山爆发或闪电。 |
6 goats: How hateful the monsters are! Don't worry! Let's find a good way to deal with them. Come here! [They got together and discussed , jumped and clapped hands happily.
4羊:可恨的魔鬼!不用担心!让我们找个好办法来对付他们,过来![他们走到一起来商量,高兴得又跳又拍手。 |
6 hours at 20℃ and higher at lower temperatures.
6小时(20℃时),且随环境温度升高而缩短。 |
6 hours at 20℃, longer at lower temperatures.
6小时(20℃时),并随环境温度升高而缩短。 |
6 is a popular number in China,it's a lucky number, people like to use it in telephone number and license plate number,etc.
6在中国是比较受欢迎的一个数字,有六六大顺的说法。多被人们用于电话号码,车牌号码等。 |
6 is usually read “naught point six”, and .06 is usually read “point naught six”.
6通常读作“零点六“,而.06则常读作“点零六”。 |
6 joint-stock companies have gone public nationwide and the development of non-state economy has got better.
6家股份公司股票在全国公开上市。非公有制经济有了较大发展。 |
6 lies)in an unlucky direction!
6则谎言)在一个不吉利的方向中! |
6 limited life components or parts such as heat fixing unit for laser products, print head for ink jet products from 2 nd and 3 rd year.
第二及第三年的消耗性元件或零件,例如镭射打印定影器及喷墨打印头等。 |
6 living paycheck to paycheck. even though men aren't the only hunters and providers anymore, they still feel a deep evolutionary pull to provide the backbone and protection for their tribe. when men lose money, can't make enough money, or are scrounging
有段时间,男人们不再关心陌生人们,同事们,朋友们,姻亲们或别人怎么认为他.但当一个孩子谈父亲的缺陷,那绝对是毁灭性的.男人们知道有时候他们工作太多,容易发火,或这就是不是个英雄父亲的标准,但在他的内心处,他们知道那是最重要去做的.如果他们没能做好,就知道在那性的方刚上出现缺陷. |