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The fusant B_~- of high sporulation rate and difference of metabolic products could be acquired by cell-fusion technique from Bacillus licheniformis B_ with high rate of sporulation and B_ with low rate of sporulation .

The function and characteristics of PC-HDTprogram for block adjustment by strips IBM-PC/XT及其兼容机航带法区域网平差程序“PC-HDT”的功能与特点
The function differentiation of lanugo morphology for different parts of the fetus makes preparations for protecting abdomen and limb and preventing mechanical damage effectively after birth. 不同部位之间胎毛形态出现的功能分化,为狍出生后加强对身体的保温和对抗机械损伤做了相应准备。
The function of dopamine D receptor (D R), a member of D-like receptors, has been elusive for a long time. 多巴胺D 受体(D R)属于D样受体,但其功能长期不明。
The function of the lawyer system in the construction of political civilization is to ensure the judicial justice and to supervise and restrict the government power. 律师制度及律师在政治文明建构中的作用主要表现在它们对司法公正的保障作用以及律师作为制约权力的重要社会力量对政府权力的监督与制衡作用。
The function of the treated thumbs was assessed as excellent in 0, good in and bad in 7. The excellent and good rate was 8 %. 断指再植功能评定:优0例,良例,差7例,优良率8 %。
The fusant B_~- of high sporulation rate and difference of metabolic products could be acquired by cell-fusion technique from Bacillus licheniformis B_ with high rate of sporulation and B_ with low rate of sporulation . 利用细胞融合技术,将整肠生菌高芽孢形成率的菌株B和低芽孢形成率和菌数产量都低的菌株B进行细胞融合,经芽孢数测定和发酵产物测定与遗传分析鉴别,得到了代谢产物量不同于亲本和芽孢形成率高的新菌株B。
The fused PET-CT images identified maligna nt and 9 benign lesions. The diagnostic sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the fused PET-CT were 9.% (/8), 90.% (9/), and 9 .% (8 /89), respe ctively. PET-CT融合图像诊断骨转移病灶个,良性病变9个,诊断骨转移瘤的敏感性、特异性和准确性分别为9.%(/8个),90.%(9/个)和9 .%(8 /89个)。
The gabbro inQipanyan pluton has a Nb/U=. which is close to the primitive mantle (Nb/U= 0). 棋盘岩辉长岩Nb/U=.,与原始地幔(Nb/U= 0)接近。
The gaps from STP to the angle of parietomastoid sutures and to the asterion were (.±.)mm(0~9. mm)and (0.±.0)mm (.~. mm)respectively. 顶乳突缝前角、星点与STP距离分别是 ( .± .)mm (0~ 9. mm) ; ( 0 .± .0 )mm( .~ .mm )。
The gene distribution of Es-Ⅰwas significantly deviant from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all three colonies(P<0.0). 经适合性χ检验, 群体在红细胞酯酶Es-Ⅰ位点的基因分布均显著偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.0)。
The gene diversity distribution of metabolic enzyme CYPC9 in Chinese Dulong population 中国独龙族人群中CYP C9基因多态性的分布

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