Prof. Laurent: I didn't understand your question.
我不明白你的问题。 |
Prof. Laurent: They give importance to all classes, but there are more, they give more information for the prescription of a certain drug class into a certain indication. OK?
新指南强调所有类别的药物都是很重要的,除此之外,在一定的适应症的情况下,指南会着重给出某些类别药物的信息。 |
Prof. Laurent: They give importance to all classes, but they give more information for the prescription of a certain drug class for a certain indication.
新指南强调所有类别的药物都是很重要的,除此之外,针对相应的适应症,指南会着重给出某些类别药物的信息。 |
Prof. Lawrence Mitchell(George Washington University, Law School): It's consistent with the kinds of earnings management that have gotten companies like Enron and WorldCom and Global Crossing into trouble.
美国证券交易委员会正就哈利伯顿公司是否在1998年夸大利润之事进行调查。劳伦斯·米切尔教授(乔治·华盛顿大学法学院):它们的做法正是让安然公司、世界通信公司和环球通讯公司身处困境的做法是一样的。 |
Prof. Leo Lee Ou-fan has been appointed professor of humanities from 2nd August 2004.
大学委任李欧梵教授为人文学科讲座教授,任期由二零零四年八月二日起生效。 |
Prof. Ng Pak-cheung has been appointed professor of paediatrics from 1st October 2005.
大学委任伍百祥教授为儿科讲座教授,任期由二零零五年十月一日起生效。 |
Prof. Smith give a crisp speech yesterday.
昨天,史密斯教授作了一个简明扼要的讲话。 |
Prof. Smith has written one of the most influential books in economics.
史密斯教授写的书是最有影响的经济学书籍之一。 |
Prof. Smith: I'm pretty sure you'll be just fine.
教授:我确定你不会有问题的。 |
Prof. So received his Ph.D. from Australian National University in 1983. He joined CUHK in 1993 and now serves the University as associate pro-vice-chancellor and registrar.
苏教授是中大校友,一九八三年取得澳洲国立大学哲学博士学位,九三年加入中大任教,现兼任协理副校长和教务长。 |
Prof. Weaver: Yes, there are. You must have passed Introduction to Sociology and one other seminar of your choice before you can take the research seminar.
是的,有的。在选研究课之前,你必须先通过社会学概论,及一个自选研究课。 |