Teacher is wrong to keep one eye open and another close for the rigged student .
老师对作弊的学生睁一只眼闭一只眼是不对的。 |
Teacher lets me shorten the report is a page.
老师让我把报告缩短为一页。 |
Teacher of English (part-time), Garfield American School (Shanghai, China).
中国上海加菲尔德美国学校英语教师(兼职). |
Teacher professionalism shall adopt traditional teacher wisdom and innovate in theory and system.
当前,必须借鉴传统教师智慧,进行理论和制度双重创新,才能推进教师专业化。 |
Teacher said,That is LOVE.
老师说:这就是“爱情”。 |
Teacher said,That is MARRIGE.
老师说:“这就是婚姻!” |
Teacher takes Shelley to compare with Keats mutually.
教师拿Shelley与Keats相比较。 |
Teacher training practice shows that the combination of educational theories and teaching skills can help teachers assimilate new educational ideas and embody these ideas in their day-to-day teaching, and accordingly promote the effective learning of teac
实践证明,通过培训促使教师将新的课程理念内化为自己的教育观念,从而自觉地在实际教学中运用并创造符合这种课程理念的教学技能,才能确保课程改革深入到学校教育层面,体现在每个教师日常的、具体的教育教学行为中,真正推动学生的积极发展,最终实现促进教师与学生共同成长的改革目标。 |
Teacher walked go and fro in the classroom, with gesture to be understond.
老师在教室里走来走去,用手势帮助讲理解。 |
Teacher went around in the classroom ,using her gusture help us understood.
老师在教室里走来走去,用手势帮助讲理解。 |
Teacher's Day scheduled for September 10, to consider the new school year, as new weather, the teachers have new feeling.
定教师节为9月10日,是考虑到新学年开始,学校要有新的气象,师生要有新的感觉。 |