And when I go back home, I describe a great nation, a nation that has not only got a great history, but an unbelievably exciting future. |
中文意思: 我回国后会说这是个伟大的国家,它不仅有悠久的历史,而且有令人难以置信的激动人心的未来。 |
And when I ask myself what I mean by England, when I think of England when I am abroad, England comes to me through my various senses─through the ear, through the eye, and through certain imperishable scents.
当我扪心自问我心中的英格兰是什么,当我在异国他乡想起英格兰时,英格兰通过我的耳朵,通过我的眼睛,通过种种永驻人间的芬芳,通过我的各种感官来到我的前面。 |
And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them.
结37:8我观看、见骸骨上有筋、也长了肉、又有皮遮蔽其上.只是还没有气息。 |
And when I come, whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters, them will I send to bring your liberality unto Jerusalem.
3及至我来到了,你们写信举荐谁,我就打发他们,把你们的捐资送到耶路撒冷去。 |
And when I finally came in, Debbie was home from work, and I told her everything about my dinner with Andre.
最后我回到了家里,黛碧也下班回到了家,然后我告诉了她,和安德鲁吃饭的所有事情。 |
And when I get to work, there is bike shed culture, a chance to talk to fellow cyclists as you lock your bike to the racks.
到了上班地点后,我还可以体验停车棚文化,在停车架上锁自行车的时候,还能和其他骑车人讲讲话。 |
And when I go back home, I describe a great nation, a nation that has not only got a great history, but an unbelievably exciting future.
我回国后会说这是个伟大的国家,它不仅有悠久的历史,而且有令人难以置信的激动人心的未来。 |
And when I go to the press conference after the game, the game has not finished yet.
当我去参加赛后新闻发布会时,比赛其实还没结束。 |
And when I had arrived on this little island in the Pacific Ocean , I discovered a startling variety of butterflies, and I began to collect them.
当我来到位于太平洋的这个小小岛屿时,我发现这儿有着各种各样令人吃惊的蝴蝶,于是我开始收集蝴蝶。 |
And when I have a problem, an idea or a solution there is a massive community out there to share and work with.
有问题、想法或解答时,有一个庞大的社区可以共享和协作。 |
And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone.
结10:9我又观看、见基路伯旁边有四个轮子、这基路伯旁有一个轮子、那基路伯旁有一个轮子、每基路伯都是如此.轮子的颜色、〔原文作形状〕彷佛水苍玉。 |
And when I returned, there were very many trees on the bank of the river, on one side and on the other.
7我回到河边的时候,见在河这边与那边的岸上有极多的树木。 |