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Such corrections are not automatic: something (a misadventure in Iran?

Such contracts deprive insurers of the opportunity to recalibrate risks. 这种合同使得保险公司失去机会重新评估风险的大小。
Such contradictions, which are not very satisfying,often emerge from observational studies shere researchers record the natural habits and health of people. 译:这种不能令人满意的矛盾往往起源于研究者观察记录人们健康状况和生活习惯时的误差.
Such convincing speech will at last win the applause of her heart. 这样有说服力的演说至少可使她自己引以为慰。
Such cords, particularly those in the crown and third eye, can block the student from seeing or knowing their own truth. 这类连线,尤其那些皇冠与第三眼的,会阻止学生看到或得知自己的真相。
Such correction reduces the input range, the condition of linear system is fulfilled and linear correction on corresponding pixel is effective in this range. 该方法通过缩小校正的输入范围,满足线性系统成立的条件,使非线性问题线性化,实现了各像元点对点的线性校正。
Such corrections are not automatic: something (a misadventure in Iran? 像这样的自我修正并不是自动的:有些事情(涉险伊朗?)
Such costs shall include wages, payroll taxes, and contributions or taxes for unemployment and workers' compensation insurance, vacations, sickness or accident plans, retirement benefits, and pensions or annuities which are required by the Laws, labor con 该等费用应包括法律、劳动合同或现有的退休金计划所要求的薪水、工资税,以及为失业和工伤赔偿险,度假、疾病或事故计划、退休福利,以及退休金或养老金等所支付的费用或税费。
Such course may be divided into four history steps: 1) the period of the May 4th Movement of 1919 was the beginning period of the cultural popularization, which mainly showed itself in advocating and propagandizing that the culture closed and popularized 这一进程可分为四个历史阶段:五四时期为文化大众化的开端时期,主要表现在对文化向社会基层靠近和普及的倡导与宣传;20世纪20年代后期到30年代前期开展的面向工农群众的乡村教育运动和文艺大众化运动,使文化的大众化开始走向实际;30年代后期到40年代初形成文化大众化的思想理论,文化大众化的实践也更加广泛和深入;建国初期新民主主义文化大众化的发展有了进一步的深入,但在向社会主义的转变中遭受一些挫折。
Such courses may be colossal failures, but I can learn from my colossal failures. 这样的课程可能会彻底失败,可是我能从我的彻底失败中获得教益。
Such creations failed to learn and retrieve all lessons inherent in their expression in the third dimension. (这说明)这些创造物在它们第三密度所带来的体验中未能学会和重新获得所有课程。
Such creatures breathe the ether much as creatures upon Earth or the sun breathe air, or the creatures breath fire upon Mercury. 这样的创造者呼吸着就像地球上或者太阳上一样的空气,或者就像水星的创造者呼吸火焰一样。

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