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If I alone testify about Myself, My testimony is not true.

Ideally,they add, our study will pae the way for larger randomized, placebo-controlled trials. 他们又补充说,我们的研究为大量的随机、安慰剂对照试验研究奠定了基础。
If Brother has a room for his train, I want one for my dolls. “如果哥哥有火车房间,那么我也要一个洋娃娃房间。”
If Chelsea has interest in Asier Del Horno, the logical thing is that their representative puts itself in contact with Athletic. 如果切尔西对阿榭-德尔奥诺感兴趣的话,符合逻辑的做法是他们的代表自己来联系我们俱乐部。
If Draco succeeds,said Snape, still looking away from her, he will be honored above all others. “如果德拉科成功了,”斯内普说,眼睛仍然望着别处,“他就能获得比其他所有人更高的荣誉。”
If He passes by or shuts up, Or calls an assembly, who can restrain Him? 伯11:10他若经过、将人拘禁、招人受审、谁能阻挡他呢。
If I alone testify about Myself, My testimony is not true. 约5:31我若为自己作见证、我的见证就不真。
If I am a man of God,Elijah replied, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men! 12以利亚回答说,我若是神人,愿火从天上降下来,烧灭你和你那五十人。
If I can try to justify why we did not play the way I want my team to play I would say that it is our own fault of course. “如果要我为我的球队为什么没有踢出我想要的比赛辩解的话,我当然会说这是我们自己的失误。”
If I ever have the chance, I will repay you. 有机会,我一定会报答你的。
If I got married, said Marlin, I would not help my wife with the housework. That would be keeping a dog and barking myself. 马林说:如果我结了婚,我才不会帮太太操持家务呢!那好比'家中养只狗,自己却狂吠'。
If I had a gun I could get him now,Dahlia said. I wouldn't mind. I should do it while I'm still youngenough. Then I don't get hung. “我现在要是有枪一定杀了他,”戴利亚说“我不在乎,我该乘年龄还小时把他杀了,这样不用抵命。”

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