[color=#0000ff]EXAMPLE:[/color] One old and experienced firm was able to underpin the investment management industry, but when its best analysts all chose to retire amid rumors of a scandal, the whole field started to fall apart.
一家历史悠久、经验丰富的公司可以支撑投资管理行业,但是当公司最好的分析师因为丑闻纷纷离职而去时,整个行业也开始分崩离析了。 |
[color=#0000ff]EXAMPLE:[/color] The American Lance Armstrong has become a real standout among international bicycle racers because he has won so many championships.
美国选手阿姆斯特朗已成为国际自行车赛手中出类拔萃的人物,因为他赢得过无数个冠军头衔。 |
[color=#0000ff]EXAMPLE:[/color]Our investment advisor suggested we take a position in pharmaceutical stocks since many new medical discoveries were likely to occur during the coming year.
我们的投资顾问建议大量购买制药公司的股票,因为明年可能会涌现出许多医学新发现。 |
[color=#0000ff]EXAMPLE:[/color]The optimistic salesman had a tendency to round up the numbers when he made his sales predictions for next year.
乐观的推销员在预测明年的销售情况时喜欢将财务数字稍作夸张。 |
[color=#0000ff]EXAMPLE:[/color]When local newspapers reported that a company in our town had come out with an important new invention, it created a buying frenzy among local consumers.
当本地的报纸说城里的一家公司推出了一项重要发明后,在当地消费者中掀起了购买的热潮。 |
[color=#0000ff]They appointed him chairman.
他们任命他为主席。 |
[color=#006699]We recycle all of our plastic bags.
我们回收我们所有的塑料袋。 |
[color=#3366ff]Q : May I encrypt my webpage in order to save my source code from another publisher?
答:再次强调,广告发布者以任何方式修改代码内容和代码行为的做法都是不被接受的。 |
[color=#339999]Usually outside is choppy.
通常外面会有碎浪。 |
[color=#666666][size=3]SCENE: The Oval Office. George Bush and Condolezza Rice.
(场景)椭圆形办公室,乔治布什和国家安全顾问康多里扎赖斯。 |
[color=#990000][b]16. If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU!!!
如果敌人正在你的射程内,你也在他的射程内!!! |