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Effect of sustained high +Gy on otolith organs of guinea pigs

Effect of microencapsulated NGF expressing NIH T cells on the repair of ischium nerve gap in rat 转NGF基因 T 细胞在大鼠坐骨神经缺损中的修复作用
Effect of oxygen inhalation on the retinae of newborn rats and its mechanism 吸氧对新生鼠视网膜的影响及其机制
Effect of pH Values on Resonance Raman Spectra of Brilliant Yellow in Aqueous and CTAB Micella Solutions pH值对亮黄水溶液及CTAB胶束溶液共振Raman光谱的影响
Effect of route of administration on the inhibition of the withdrawal symptoms of opiates dependent rats by dynorphin A_(- ) (Dyn) 给药途径对强啡肽A_(- )抑制吗啡依赖大鼠戒断症状的影响
Effect of sludge on degree of smudge and corrosion resistance of tinplating 镀液锡泥对黑灰程度及镀层耐蚀性的影响
Effect of sustained high +Gy on otolith organs of guinea pigs 持续高+Gy对豚鼠耳石器的影响
Effect of weaver gene on biology function of CAD cells weaver基因对CAD细胞生物学功能的影响
Effect on Standards of Downs Analysis Choosing Different Porion 不同耳点的选择对Downs分析法正常值的影响
Effectiveness of LPG. treatment in morphea LPG疗法治疗硬斑病的疗效
Effectiveness of Local Oxygen Therapy in Combination with Spreading Pearl Powder in the Treatment of Newborn’s Diaper Dermatitis 局部氧疗配合珍珠粉外涂治疗新生儿红臀的效果观察
Effects of "Niupo Zhibao Pill" on Free Radicals and Liver Histomorphology in Pyemic Rats 牛珀至宝微丸对脓毒血症大鼠自由基和肝组织形态学的影响

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