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The services we provide in the different regions include: - tax consultancy services, tax planning services, multi-region tax planning arrangements and tax planning for company's reorganization, transfer pricing services, regular tax review and special ta

The services of the chengdu beigen tubing co., ltd. cover further services and also Plastic lining. 公司提供大量的塑料衬里、塑料外壳和塑料涂膜的。
The services of the harbin fangyuan industrial co., ltd. cover further services and also Central heating boiler. 提供关于二重的、双的以及中央供暖锅炉的信息。
The services of the hebei jineng electric power automatic equipment co., ltd. cover further services and also Communication management. 为您提供关于度盘、刻度盘、比例或通信管理、交流管理的信息。
The services of the ningbo jiangdong xinlin wood-working machine co., ltd. cover further services and also Double spindle. 公司在嵌木细工、镶木地板、双轴以及单轴领域内取得成就。
The services that CLIENT employs ATTORNEYS to perform include but are not limited to: to represent the CLIENT in any claim, cause of action or defense that CLIENT may have against Jinxin, relative to Jinxin's breach of a joint venture contract with CLIENT 委托人聘用代理人提供如下法律服务,但并不仅限于此:因金鑫工业集团违反与委托人的合资合同所产生的所有法律纠纷。
The services we provide in the different regions include: - tax consultancy services, tax planning services, multi-region tax planning arrangements and tax planning for company's reorganization, transfer pricing services, regular tax review and special ta 中成海华税务专业服务机构所属五家业务机构在不同区域均能够为客户提供税务顾问、税务筹划包括跨区域经营税务筹划、公司重组税务筹划等、转让定价税务服务、常规税务复核、并购项目专项税务复核、企业所得税汇算清缴代理、税务申报代理、出口退税业务代理、出口退税申报系统后续维护服务、税务专业培训、税务管理软件开发与运用等专业化、多元化的税务专业服务。
The services we provide including model design for car, motor, usual machine, communication products, out-device of computer, medical instrument, family electric etc. an we also provide the consultation about above service. 工作室专业提供汽车、摩托车、通用机械、通讯产品、计算机外设、医疗器械、家用电器等相关工业产品设计及相关的技术服务。
The services will include export financing; outward bills collection tra ferable letters of credit, letters of credit advising and confirmation, inward bills collection, trade information and i urance. 服务范围包括出口贷款,出口单托收,信用证转让,信用证通知及确认,进口单托收,贸易资料及保险服务。
The serving of idols influenced every part of their life. 敬拜偶像的风俗影响着他们生活的各个方面。
The servo system is responsible for the focusing and tracking of the laser beam on the CD. 伺服系统负责激光束在光盘上的聚焦和轨道跟踪。
The sesame oil and lipstick stains are thoroughly removed after the Amway pre-wash treatment. 先洁衣物喷洁剂能彻底清除棉布上的唇膏及麻油渍,经过清洗后,棉布能回复洁白乾净。

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