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Alarm Manager is translated into Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Simplified &Traditional Chinese languages.

Alan: That sounds great! Let's meet up in the afternoon at the lodge. 艾伦:听起来很棒!下午的时候我们在小屋碰面吧。
Alandmark is something historically important that the local goverment of a country looks after like the Empire State building or the Great wall of China. 地区标志物是指受政府保护的历史纪念意义的建筑物比如纽约的帝国大厦或是中国的长城.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels normalized in all but. 1 of the patients who switched to the higher dose. 全部患者的ALT水平恢复正常,只有一名更换剂量患者除外。
Alaric: They are fully engaged, my Queen. Dwarves, Dark Elves, and rebels. 艾里瑞克:女皇陛下,矮人,黑暗精灵,还有叛军,他们已重整旗鼓了。
Alaric: You are sure? It will throw the world into turmoil. 艾里瑞克:您真的确定(要这么做)吗?这会把整个世界置身于一片混乱之中。
Alarm Manager is translated into Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Simplified &Traditional Chinese languages. 闹钟管理软件有捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、英语、芬兰语、法语、德语、希腊语、意大利语、拉丁语、挪威语、波兰语、俄语、西班牙语以及繁体和简体中文版。
Alarm and event notification is received only at the workstations having jurisditction over the point or device initiating the alarm or event. 只有对点和设备具有权限的工作站可以接收报警和事件通知并初始化报警和事件。
Alarm clock, world clock, calendar, calculator, memo, Email, PC sync, photo album, photo editor, wallpaper and games. 闹钟,世界时钟,日历,计算器,备忘录,电子邮件,电脑同步,相册,相片编辑器,墙纸和游戏.
Alarm event correlation, which can reduce redundant alarm events, is a key problem to network management. 摘要对告警事件进行关联处理,去除冗余告警,是网络管理需要解决的一个关键问题。
Alarmist rhetoric from President Vladimir Putin; skinhead violence on Russian streets. Is there a connection? 普京总统危言耸听的外交辞令和俄国街头的平民暴力,他们之间有关联么?
Alarms can go out before the shaking starts because there is a lag between the time it takes for different seismic waves to travel to the surface. 警报之所以能早于地震发出是因为不同的地震波传到地面有时间差。

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