On June 1, 1926, Norma Jeane Mortensen was born in Los Angeles to a single mother, Gladys Baker. |
中文意思: 1926年6月1日,诺玛珍蒙特森出生于洛杉机,母亲是单亲妈妈──葛雷蒂斯贝克。 |
On July 6, 1946, in Manhattan, Sylvester Enzio Stallone was born to a chorine and an Italian immigrant.
1946年7月6日,他出生在曼哈顿,母亲是为歌舞团演员,父亲是意大利的侨民。 |
On July 8th, Kissinger reached Pakistan and he was greeted by three partners who knew the destination of his trip.
7月8日,基辛格到达巴基斯坦,受到知道他此行最终目的地的三位合作者的迎接。 |
On July 9th , Kissinger and the accompanying group flied over Himalaya into China and were warmly received by Ye Jianying, Huang Hua and so on.
7月9日,基辛格一行飞越喜马拉雅山进入中国,受到了叶剑英、黄华等的热烈迎接。 |
On July third; every hour on the hour.
在七月三日这一天;时时刻刻 |
On June 1, 1899, a cameraman filmed New York City police officers marching through the city's streets during their annual parade.
西元1899年6月1日,一个摄影师拍下纽约市警察一年一度在纽约街道上游行的影像。 |
On June 1, 1926, Norma Jeane Mortensen was born in Los Angeles to a single mother, Gladys Baker.
1926年6月1日,诺玛珍蒙特森出生于洛杉机,母亲是单亲妈妈──葛雷蒂斯贝克。 |
On June 1, 2005, during the National Children's day, the center sends encyclopedia to the children of Sha Wan primary school.
“六一”国际儿童节来临之际,李德生同志代表研究中心党支部,向卧龙镇小学赠送四套研究中心党支部捐赠的百科全书。 |
On June 10, 2007 afternoon, all club members and brothers college related persons, also some members of other organizations came together to celebrate the common development of the club.
2007年6月10日下午,俱乐部所有成员以及兄弟高校相关人员,还有部分其他社团的成员共聚一堂,为俱乐部的成长共同欢庆。 |
On June 10, 2007 afternoon, all club members, persons of related brother colleges, and also some members of other organizations came together to celebrate the development of the club.
2007年6月10日下午,俱乐部所有成员以及兄弟高校相关人员,还有部分其他社团的成员共聚一堂,为俱乐部的成长共同欢庆。 |
On June 12th, 1987, President Reagan, during a visit to the divided German city of Berlin, publicly challenged Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev to tear down this wall.
1987年6月12日,里根总统在分裂后的德国西柏林访问期间,公开向苏维埃领导人戈尔巴乔夫提出“拆掉这堵墙”。 |
On June 13th the governor of the Bank of Japan (BoJ), Toshihiko Fukui, told parliament that he had invested ¥10m ($88,000) in the Murakami Fund, an activist investment fund whose founder, Yoshiaki Murakami, was arrested on June 5th for alleged insider tra
6月13日,日本央行行长福井俊彦告之议会,他曾投资1000万日圆(约合88000美圆)于村上基金,该积极参与型投资基金的创始人村上世彰在6月5日因涉嫌内幕交易而被捕。 |