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Where the parties agree on a barter transaction involving transfer of title to the subject matters, such transaction shall be governed by reference to the relevant provisions governing sales contracts.

Where the organ for compensatory obligation has been abolished, the administrative organ that continues to exercise the abolished organ's functions and powers shall be the organ under compensatory obligation; where there is no such a continued administrat 赔偿义务机关被撤销的,继续行使其职权的行政机关为赔偿义务机关;没有继续行使其职权的行政机关的,撤销该赔偿义务机关的行政机关为赔偿义务机关。
Where the owner holds another bidding according to the law, biders whose bids have been rendered void by the bid evaluation comittee are not qualified to re-bid. 招标人依法及按本办法规定重新招标,经评标委员会评审确定为废标的投标人取消重新投标资格。
Where the owner or any other person establishes that he may be compelled to pay at a later date in whole or in part any such amount of compensation, with regard to which such person would have enjoyed a right of subrogation under paragraphs 5 or 6 of this 如船舶所有人或任何其他人确证,其以后可能被强制要求支付全部或部分此类赔偿金额时,且由此可依本条第5款或第6款享有代位行使权利,若是在基金分配以前已支付了赔偿金,则基金建立所在国法院或其他同等主管当局应要求暂时拨出一部分足够的金额,以使上述人得以在以后能向基金主张其索赔要求。
Where the parents fail to perform their obligations, the underage children and the children without the ability to live an independent life shall be entitled to ask their parents to pay aliments. 父母不履行抚养义务时,未成年的或不能独立生活的子女,有要求父母付给抚养费的权利。
Where the parents or other guardians of minors commit any act specified in the preceding paragraph and refuse to mend their ways after education, the people's court may, upon application by the person(s) or unit(s) concerned, disqualify them as guardians 父母或者其他监护人有前款所列行为,经教育不改的,人民法院可以根据有关人员或者有关单位的申请,撤销其监护人的资格;依照民法通第十六条的规定,另行确定监护人。
Where the parties agree on a barter transaction involving transfer of title to the subject matters, such transaction shall be governed by reference to the relevant provisions governing sales contracts. 第一百七十五条当事人约定易货交易,转移标的物的所有权的,参照买卖合同的有关规定。
Where the parties agreed on the amount of damages in case of damage to or loss of the cargo, the damages payable is the prescribed amount; if the amount of damages was not prescribed or clearly prescribed, and cannot be determined in accordance with Artic 第三百一十二条货物的毁损、灭失的赔偿额,当事人有约定的,按照其约定;没有约定或者约定不明确,依照本法第六十一条的规定仍不能确定的,按照交付或者应当交付时货物到达地的市场价格计算。
Where the parties agreed that title to the lease item will vest in the lessee at the end of the lease term, and after paying a major portion of the rent, the lessee is unable to pay the remaining balance, resulting in the lessor's termination of the contr 第二百四十九条当事人约定租赁期间届满租赁物归承租人所有,承租人已经支付大部分租金,但无力支付剩余租金,出租人因此解除合同收回租赁物的,收回的租赁物的价值超过承租人欠付的租金以及其他费用的,承租人可以要求部分返还。
Where the parties are not willing to consult with each other or where the consultation fails, the patentee or any interested party may institute legal proceedings in the people's court, or request the administrative authority for patent affairs to handle 不愿协商或者协商不成的,专利权人或者利害关系人可以向人民法院起诉,也可以请求管理专利工作的部门处理。
Where the parties colluded in bad faith, thereby harming the interests of the state, the collective or a third person, any property acquired as a result shall be turned over to the state or be returned to the collective or the third person. 第五十九条当事人恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的,因此取得的财产收归国家所有或者返还集体、第三人。
Where the parties did not conclude an arbitration agreement, or the arbitration agreement is invalid, either party may bring a suit to the People's Court. 当事人没有订立仲裁协议或者仲裁协议无效的,可以向人民法院起诉。

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