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In this period of social transformation, the media's form of survival and their interactive operation with other social powers create the hotbed for the alienation of media power.

In this particular situation, the metaphor breaks down very quickly, but we keep the name anyhow. 在这种特殊情况下,隐含意思已经迅速的消失了,但是这个名字还是保留了下来。
In this particular tin-pot venture he'd sunk half the sum left him by his father. 他把父亲留给他的钱半数投放在这种低级的冒险事业上。
In this passage we seem to know that the west fell behind the east those days. 从本文中我似乎知道了在那些日子西方落后于东方。
In this passage, the writer explains to us the matter of how to make sense out of science. 本文作者向我们说明了如何理解科学这一问题。
In this period P loss occupied 60%of total loss in a year. (3) Factors affecting the temporal distribution are rainfall and farming activities (plowing, weeding , fertilizing, planting ). (3)影响红壤坡地磷流失时间分布特征的因素主要为降雨和农事活动。
In this period of social transformation, the media's form of survival and their interactive operation with other social powers create the hotbed for the alienation of media power. 在社会转型期,媒介生态及其同其他社会权力的矛盾运动,构成媒介权力异化的前提。
In this period, Chinese and Western legal cultural conflicts occurred in such areas as rule by lawand rule by man, legal instrumentalismand supremacy of Law, ethics standardand right standard, rank, justice, and equality due to the differences between Chi 这一时期,中西方在不同的历史文化传统、不同的民族心理、不同的政治制度和不同的社会发展阶段的时代背景之下,其法律文化在人治观与法治观、法律工具论与法律至上论、伦理本位与权利本位、等级名分与正义、平等等领域产生了全面的文化冲突与碰撞。
In this period, most of his novels with rhetorical devices and exotic glamour reached their peak of popularity. 一九四三年复以《风萧萧》在《扫荡报》连载,风靡一时。
In this period, tall has elegantly experienced bodily and thepsychological double aspect tribulation. 在这期间,乔娜经历了身体和心理双方面的磨难。
In this period, unemployment reached record levels. 这段时间,失业人数又到了创记录水平。
In this period, unemployment reaches record levels. 这段时间的失业人数又达到了创纪录水平。

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