The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference.
为了会议组织者要求服从文件。 |
The organizers say they look forward to a time when breeders in Africa can find the same crop genetic information as those in Europe and North America .
组织者说,他们期待着这样一个时刻,也就是育种者在非洲和欧洲以及北美洲能够发现同一作物的遗传信息。 |
The organizers say they look forward to a time when breeders in Africa can find the same crop genetic information as those in Europe and North America.
组织者称他们希望有一天可以在非洲找到同欧洲和北美具有一样基因信息的农作物。 |
The organizing committee of ON DEMAND China 2007 is dedicating to creating a top-level communication platform that enables all vendors and costumers in the Chinese market to easily access the latest digital printing technology, products, solutions, as wel
作为中国首个聚焦按需印刷技术的展会,它的举办将为中国的印刷从业者带来了世界尖端的数码按需印刷技术、产品以及解决方案,创造了一个获取印艺新知的窗口,更为国内外厂商提供了一个交流经验和技术的平台。 |
The organizing committee of the 2008 Beijing Games has published an open letter on its official website, seeking pictures featuring smiling faces of children from all over the world.
2008北京奥运会组委会在其网站上发表了一封公开信,向全世界征集带有儿童笑脸的照片。 |
The organizing committee will give confirmation to exhibitors within seven days upon receiving booth fee and provide them with a copy of Exhibitors' Manual, with instructions on how to prepare for the fair.
组委会在参展商参展费用到帐七日内发出展位确认书,并向参展商提供《参展指南》,参展商照此做好参展的各项准备工作。 |
The organizon(organism) produces a strong poison in humans.
这种有机体能对人体产生非常大的毒素。 |
The organs of Establishment, however well-intentioned they may be, have a vested interest in ensuring that the public boat is not violently rocked, and will so affect those who work within the mass media that they will be led insensibly towards forms of p
各种社会权利机构,尽管初衷可能是好的,都有自己的既得利益,确保社会得稳定,它们会设法影响新闻工作者,让他们不知不觉制作的节目或写出的文章不痛不痒,不触及到问题的实质,虽然也装模作样地搞些辩论和调查。 |
The organs of the Establishment, however well-intentioned they may be, have a vested interest in insuring that the public boat is not violently rocked, and (they)will so affect those who work within the mass media (so) that they will be led insensibly tow
各种社会权力机构,尽管初衷可能是好的,都有自己的既得利益,确保社会的稳定,它们会设法影响新闻工作者,让他们不知不觉地做出的节目或写出的文章不痛不痒,不触及到问题的实质,虽然也装摸作样地搞些辩论和调查。 |
The orgin might also be in the old general store, which had a lock on the door to the stock, or goods, and a barrel on which business took place.
这个用语的来历今天已经不重要了,重要的是,无论哪一种来历,它都表达了一个事物的从头到尾的全部组成。 |
The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy.
亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。 |