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The survey result made by Hengshui Environment Survey Station shows that the air pollution in Hengshui in recent years is mainly due to coal fume and second-time dust and the water pollution is very serious and noise pollution is far beyond the standard.

The survey of 1,012 adults has an error margin of +/- 3 points for the full sample, and 5 points for the Republican and Democratic subsamples. 调查的1012名成年人中,误差+/-3点,为充分样本,5点为共和党和民主党的二次抽查样品。
The survey of 1,505 American adults, conducted by market research firm Harris Interactive, found that over half of the respondents admitted to re-giftingwith passing on gifts becoming a far more common and acceptable phenomenon. 美国哈里斯互动市场调查公司所做的此项调查共有1505名成年人参加,调查发现,超过半数的受访者承认自己转送过礼物,这已成为一种可接受的普遍现象。
The survey of 500 children aged ten to 16 across Britain found 9 per cent had been in an accident with their mother driving and 8 per cent with their father. 这项对英国500个10岁至16岁的孩子的调查发现,9%的孩子称坐妈妈开的车时发生过事故,而称坐爸爸开的车时发生过事故的比例为8%。
The survey on the resources of benthic algae was carried out in Naozhoudao in spring from 2003 to 2005. 摘要2003-2005年的3-5月,对硇洲岛有代表性的大浪、谭井、存亮潮间带进行底栖海藻资源调查。
The survey report can certify that the weight shortage was caused by improper packing. 调查报告可以证明重量短缺是因为包装不当。
The survey result made by Hengshui Environment Survey Station shows that the air pollution in Hengshui in recent years is mainly due to coal fume and second-time dust and the water pollution is very serious and noise pollution is far beyond the standard. 摘要据衡水市环境监测站监测结果表明:近几年衡水市空气污染主要属于煤烟和二次扬尘混合型污染;水质污染严重,噪声污染严重超标。
The survey results seem to indicate connection between poor housing conditions and bad health. 调查结果表明,居住条件差与健康状况不佳之间似乎存在着某种关系。
The survey revealed the Liberal Democrats were narrowly the most popular party, with 25 percent support ahead of Labour on 23 percent. However 24 percent would not bother voting at all. 据这项调查结果显示,自由民主党基本上是目前英国国内最受欢迎的政党,23%的年轻人支持该党,得票数领先了工党25%,不过还是有24%的年轻人根本对这种投票不感兴趣。
The survey showed that average net-profit margins at tech companies in China, both domestic and foreign, have declined in recent years -- to 3.7% last year among those companies surveyed from 4.3% in 2001. 调查显示,在中国,本土科技类公司及其外资同行的平均净利润率在最近几年都有所下降──受访公司去年的平均净利润率为3.7%,而2001年为4.3%。
The survey showed that travellers from all countries were increasingly shunning Indonesia in the aftermath of the Bali bombings, with Thailand soaking up the majority of these potential Bali visitors. 调查结果还显示了在巴厘岛爆炸事件以后来自世界各地的旅行者们开始避免再去印度尼西亚,而泰国则拥有了大量此类潜在游客。
The survey shows 48.2 percent of the respondents thought the police crackdown on crimes was effective, a rise of 5.7 percent over 2005. 调查显示,48.2%的受访者认为公安机关去年的打击犯罪工作“很有成效”,这一比例比2005年上升了5.7%。

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