is a company operating within many ranges and offers Function ceramics, High temperature ceramics as well as Electroceramics.
作为一家具有丰富经验的经济型企业,为您提供电瓷,功能陶瓷,高温陶瓷范围内效果显著的、高价值的产品。 |
it looks just like a big people treadmill,said patrick lampi, assistant director of the alaska zoo.
“这台大象跑步机看上去就是普通跑步机的超大版。”阿拉斯加动物园副园长帕特里克·兰皮说。 |
it may be an absolute path or relative to the current directory.
它可以是一个绝对路径或相对于当前路径的相对路径。 |
it's all about the thumbwork,she said. it's about balance.she said she owed her success to relaxation and deep breathing.
“比赛都是靠手指上的工夫”她说“都是平衡”。她说她之所以成功,是因为放松了自己,深呼吸。 |
it's just a phase you're going through, replied the bunsen burner.
这只是物理中状态变化的一个阶段本生灯答到。 |
jumpmeans with the same line, the piece can jump over contigeous other piece to anther space.
“跳跃”是指在同一条线上,一个棋子跃过隔邻的棋子到另一边的空格中。 |
just listen to me, i was like youhe said.
“听我的没错,我是过来人。”他说。 |
justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.? (R v Sussex Justices; Ex parte McCarthy [1924] 1 KB 256 at 259.
如果程翔是在上述的公正透明的司法程序下,根据由民主程序订立的法律被定罪,而且证据确凿,他一定罪有应得。那麽,程翔便是国家的敌人,出卖国家,五年太少。 |
let me look at the egg which won't crack,said the old duck.You may be sitting on a turkey's egg!
年长的鸭子说:“让我看看那枚不会裂开的蛋,你或许是坐在一枚火鸡的蛋上! |
likenessThis word has reference to mental capacity.
“样式”一词在这儿指精神上的能力。 |
lima is the capital of...er...peru.
利马的首都是...嗯...秘鲁. |