Grouped archers out of ammo will attack enemy units in melee combat when ordered to do so.
没有弹药的弓箭手被给与攻击指令后,会以肉搏方式攻击敌人。 |
Grouped in12 teams, we undertook strict military training.
我们分成了12个队,进行了严格的军事训练。 |
Groupings. If a number of branches contain related ideas, you may want to draw a circle around the whole area.
分组。如果一个分支中包含不同的相关内容,你可以将他们用一个圆圈起来。 |
Groups gathered by the truth bearer will be based upon resonance and the greater good of the whole.
由真相肩负者所集合的群体,将立足于和谐与对整体更大的益处中。 |
Groups of 2 or 3 students are formed and the groups work together throughout the lab. Individual Lab reports are required. The lab portion is typically 10% of the final grade.
实验需分组以协力工作,每组2或3人,每人需自行缴交独立的实验报告。一般而言,实验占学期总成绩的10%。 |
Groups of anti-social youths who get drunk, play truant or commit vandalism should not be routinely described as gangs, a government agency said in a report.
喝酒、逃学或涂鸦的反社会性格年轻人纠众结党,不应被固定形容为帮派,政府某机构在报告中说。 |
Groups of fans were milling about in the streets after the match.
比赛过後入迷的观众成群结队在街上乱转. |
Groups of organisms that are genetically unrelated to the known life on Earth might exist unrecognized right under our noses.
好些在遗传学上与地球上已知的生命毫无关联的生物体,说不定就近在你我眼前,而我们却毫不知情。 |
Groups of people sit on the rocks here and there, enjoying the never-ending sunlight.
我们就在欣赏美景的同时加以了解吧! |
Groups of similar species are classified together in genera.
相似物种在分类上可被归为同一属。 |
Groups of students marauded around the campus, smashing cars, offices or any piece of property they felt belonged to someone in power.
成群结队的学生袭击校园,砸坏轿车,办公室和任何他们认为属于学校当权人物的东西。 |