To do this job, you must have a degree in English.
从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。 |
To do this she uses a calendar and writes the number of units occupied in a small box in the upper right-hand corner of each date.
为了做成这件事,她使用日历,并在每个日期的右上方的角落处写上被占用的单元间的号码。 |
To do this they are willing to uproot their lives , relocate and plunge themselves deep into debt.
为此,他们愿意改变生活,背井离乡并且负债累累。 |
To do this we must perform the famous Computer Graphics Aerobicsexercise.
这样做,我们必须执行著名的“计算机图形环”练习。 |
To do this you make the villager change home to one close to the building/job you want him to do; e.g. if you want him to become a regular farmer you drop him by a house that is close to a field.
这样你的村民就会把家搬到离你要他们工作的地方比较近的位置了;还有,如果你希望他变成一个职业农夫,你可以把他扔到在田地附近的房子里。 |
To do this you will need to learn how to trail brake while keeping some throttle on.
要做到这一点,你需要学习在逐渐放开刹车的同时保持一点油门。 |
To do this, CEBU works closely with some of the most innovative companies in the world to help them bring compelling, creative, connected and competitive consumer products to the world's marketplace.
为了能够实现这些目标,英业达消费电子事业处和世界最知名的创新型公司合作,为世界电子市场提供最引人注目的,极有创新的和竞争力的消费型电子产品。 |
To do this, I added functionality to show the user when a replace would be done by highlighting a line in a different colour so that the user could easily tell whether data would be inserted or replaced.
为了达到这一目的,我增加了为用户增加了功能,当替换时先用不同的颜色突出显示一行,这样用户可以容易地判断哪些数据将被插入或替换。 |
To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
要这样做,将它们的标题增加到在『修改版本』许可声明中的『恒常章节』列表中。 |
To do this, he must be at least as knowledgeable as the dealer.
要做到这一点,他至少要像古董商一样懂行。 |
To do this, scientists have to devise methods using radar and underwater television.
为此,科学家还要设计出使用雷达和水下电视的方法。 |