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It is very necessary to make sure that the carbon brushes stay in good contact with the commutator .

It is very moisture in the wood and there are numerous tall trees whose bark is moisture and black because of the lichen on them, just like the trees at home. 森林中一片都是湿润的,有无数参天的大树,连它们的树皮都是黝黑地湿润着,因为上面长满了青苔,和家里的一样。
It is very natural for those who long for good jobs . 对那些渴望找到好工作的人来说有这样的想法是很自然的。
It is very natural that they two fall in love. 他们两人相爱是很自然的事。
It is very necessary for a leader. 这一点对于一名领导者是至关重要的。
It is very necessary for some victims to seek psychological help. 寻求心理帮助对于某些病人来说是十分必要的.
It is very necessary to make sure that the carbon brushes stay in good contact with the commutator . 确定一下碳刷与换向器是否保持良好的接触,是非常必要的。
It is very necessary to make sure that the carbon brushes stay in good contact with the commutator. 确定一下碳刷与换向器是否保持良好的接触,是非常必要的。
It is very nice of you to come and see me off. 您来给我送行真是太客气了。
It is very practical to borrow relevant foreign experience, to establish pecuniary penalty, in substitution of short-term Freedom Penalty, to introduce community service punishment into Chinese crinimal legal practice, and to improve current Chinese sente 借鉴国外的相关经验,在中国确立罚金刑替代短期自由刑制度,并在中国刑事司法实践中引入社区服务刑,完善中国现行的缓刑制度,以合理地应对轻微犯罪是十分现实的。
It is very provoking of her to be so late. 她到得这麽晚真叫人生气。
It is very rare that Drogba requires more than one clear chance to find the target and he proved the point when breaking the deadlock on 39 minutes. 很少见的是德罗巴需要浪费多次良机后才能找到大门的方向,第39分钟他终于打破了僵局。

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